Travelers have left Valais

Les gens du voyage ont quitté le Valais

Tuesday evening at 7:15 p.m., travelers who had tried to settle in the place reserved for them in Martigny left Valais territory, said Stève Léger, spokesman for the cantonal police.

The story began in the late afternoon. “The travelers gathered with a dozen caravans on Martigny,” said the spokesperson. These people wanted to come and settle in Place de Martigny. “We told them the square wouldn’t open until March 29,” the policeman said.

Travelers have tried anyway. Your drivers “came up against the determination of the cantonal police”, explains Stève Léger.

A major operation has been set up to drive these caravans out of the canton. It caused traffic disruptions in the Martigny region. The standoff between the police and the travelers lasted several hours.