A week of Europe under the sign of travel

Une semaine de l'Europe sous le signe du voyage

“Travel time” is the theme of the new Europe week organized by the city of Neuchâtel. Since 2018, the local authorities, in cooperation with the Maison de l’Europe transjurassienne, have offered a week each year dedicated to the many roots of Neuchâtel in Europe.

This 2021 edition “shows the current situation”, explains Thomas Facchinetti, municipal councilor of Neuchâtel, “because for many Neuchâtel residents, it is often on the other side of our national borders when traveling. This week allows us to hang on to this moment of the trip. “

On the occasion of this special week, various events are organized in Neuchâtel and La Chaux-de-Fonds. The twin towns of Neuchâtel, Sansepolcro in Tuscany, Besançon in France and Aarau in Switzerland offer filmed musical capsules and readings.

Emphasis will also be placed on the train. A Franco-Swiss round table will be broadcast live on RTN and on French radio RCF on May 5 with the question “Has the Neuchâtel-Besançon line failed?” “.

The full program for this week in Europe is available on the City of Neuchâtel website. / macaw

04/20/2021 – 15:19 Updated on 04/20/2021 – 15:21