Expedia will offer a new packaged travel offer!

Expedia va proposer une nouvelle offre de voyages packagés !

First, the Expedia platform will be updated, to be simpler and more streamlined. & # xD;

While travelers can build complete flights from flights to actions to the destination, the destination wants to put all the elements of the trip in one place.

Customers or Internet users will be able to fully construct their next trip, and will be able to restart their plans where they left off. & # xD;

Expedia will soon announce a new travel package including combined products (flights + accommodation + activities) displayed at the same price,

“This offering will reduce the burden of searching through thousands of options, while providing packages to be customized by simply adding or removing travel elements,” the author said. & # xD;

It is a report that touches the cold of French and international actors. By launching travel packages, Expedia will be competing with incumbent players who do not always have access to such hardware or digital firepower.

That’s not all, since the group is witnessing the beginning of a new revolution in the development of its insurance offer, by wanting to simplify the understanding of this product as much as possible. & # xD;

With one-click cancellation panels, travelers can cancel their entire trip or inquire with virtual agents about their itineraries, including requesting medical checks and information methods. Clean in relation to a particular hotel … & # xD;

Expedia will launch its new products globally in various segments as part of a broad investment portfolio in more than five years.

A unique creative platform and with the new slogan “Travel in Good Company”, Expedia will highlight the image of a travel companion and help travelers in many unique ways in a variety of ways, to create a connected message, the market will have an echo when the population resumes its movements. & # xD;

“This is the first issue on a tour for many years, and we will try to be a signal to always listen to travelers,” said Shiv Singh, senior vice president and general manager of Expedia’s brand. ;