A summary of Latin origin (“confer”), inviting you to refer to such and such a source, to such and such a document. Usually used in an administrative or literary text and placed after an open parenthesis.
How to use CF in an email?

What is the Pi 314? You no doubt know that the decimal entry for the approximate value of Pi is roughly equal to 3.1416, sometimes even simplified to just 3.14. The approximate value of with its first decimal places is: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582.
Why say thank you? THANKS. This is the most common way to say “thank you” in French. This term is simply an abbreviation of the original word “thank you”.
IP, “for information”
How to use confer? The preposition confer invites the reader to refer to what follows. It means “Please refer to this or that excerpt, to this or that work”. It comes from the Latin confer, an imperative of conferre, meaning “to compare, to bring closer” (“to compare” in the imperative).
For info: translation In the language of Molière, however, it is wise to translate it by “for information” or with more emphatic formulas, such as “for your orientation” or “for information”.
Do you see where you see? Do not use “cf.” (in italics only) to suggest a comparison or reconciliation (use “see” otherwise).
Who gives me? Give, give a title, accuse someone by virtue of the authority we have to do so: Give someone a decoration.
Where ID is?

The abbreviation holds both times and is written with a dot after c and after d: c. It is
Id is = i.e. This expression, borrowed from the academic use of English, is found only in didactic or academic texts. In the current register, we say or write i.e. (abbreviation .: Ie).
Indeed, there are two Latin expressions behind these letters: i.e. the abbreviation of id is (“to say”), while e.g. Abbreviated gratia specimens (“for example”).
How to write an ex in English? Also, we favor for example (for example) the Latin expressions verbi gratia (v. G.) or exempli gratia (e. G.), which are nevertheless used in English.
How to “really” shorten?
- vrm.
- vrMen.
- really.
Know when to use “say” and “say” Use “say” to paraphrase. Make a statement, then add “say” to explain, clarify, or otherwise describe what you just said. The elephant is a pachyderm, that is to say an animal with thick skin and hoof-shaped claws.
Key translations | ||
French | Français | |
for example loc adv Always invariable! e.g. “flexible” | (ace) | for example expr |
for example expr | ||
I am looking for a large vehicle, for example a 4×4 or a minibus. |
What is IG in English?

What is MF? M.F Abbreviation for frequency modulation.
This measurement is called the glycemic index (GI). This measurement is called the glycemic index (GI).
How do you say BZ in English? BZ is a convertible sofa bed whose particularity is, unlike the sofa bed, which unfolds in the form of an “accordion”. It takes its name from the English “bed” (which means “bed”) and its zigzag shape.
Who are you talking about? & quot; LMAO & quot; means in English “laughing my ass off”, literally “laughing ass overhead”.
Which sugars have the lowest glycemic index? Low glycemic index: which sugar? agave syrup: use 50 to 60 g instead of 100 g of white sugar; acacia honey: use 60 to 70 g instead of 100 g of white sugar; coconut sugar: use 100 g to 100 g of whole cane sugar, have the same sweetness.
LOL, lol expr. ROFL, rofl expr. Only my little sister has dropped her ice cream again, lol!
What are you doing? / What’s new?
In fact, the glycemic index is a calculation based on the curve of carbohydrate levels in the blood tested after ingesting a particular food. This curve is compared to that of “reference” foods which are either glucose or white bread which both have a GI of 100.
What does the abbreviation CF mean?

Who is an agent? A representative is, by definition, a natural or legal person (association, company, firm, etc.) acting on behalf of another person with third parties.
It confers, in an often abbreviated form “cf. “Or” cfr “(without dot) in the texts, is a Latin expression used by the editorial staff to invite its readers to consult another passage or another work.