‘Ia ‘oa’oa i te Noera! : Merry Christmas! ‘Ia ora na i te matahiti ‘āpī! : Good year!
How to say kisses in Tahitian?

Come on! TÄ pe’a te mÄ na’o! I kiss you!
How to say I love you in Tahitian? ua here at ia oo! I like you! ‘aita pe’ape’a!
How do you say my love in Tahitian?
How do you say courage in Tahitian?

On the other hand, more Tahitians say Faaitoito (happy).
How do you say goodbye in Tahitian?

We learned in the previous lesson: Hello, how are you, thank you, goodbye in Tahitian, which we use in Tahitian Nana to say goodbye. †
How do you say hello in Tahitian? Ia as in Ia ora na.
What do you want in Tahitian?

Te aha nai oo? What do you want?
How are you in Tahitian? In response: ‘E aha tÅ’ oe huru? means How are you? You can answer: Maita’i (Good!), Maita’i roa (Very good!) or Maita’i ri’i (Not bad).
What language do Polynesians speak?
What is the language of the Tahitians? Tahitian (autonomous: te reo Tahiti /te ˈreo ˈtahiti/) is one of the five recognized languages of French Polynesia, where it remains the second vehicular language, in competition with French, the only official language of these overseas countries. -sea.
What language is spoken in Bora Bora? Spoken language Tahitian (reo tahiti) is the mother tongue of 45% of Polynesians, but 80% of them use it as a vehicular language.
How to say thank you in Marquesan?
And now we can finally say “thank you” in Marquesan. “We are not savages, what! “. Here are three examples that illustrate the construction of “Koù taù”: *- to thank someone: “Koù taù nui ia òe!”, “Thank you!”
What language do they speak in the Marquesas? Marquesan is a Polynesian language of the Austronesian language family. This language of French Polynesia is spoken in the Marquesas Islands.
How do you say hello in Marquesan? Greet people Say hello: ‘Ia ora na! In response: ‘E aha tÅ’ oe huru? means How are you? You can answer: Maita’i (Good!), Maita’i roa (Very good!)