Greeting people Greeting: ‘He ora na! In response: ‘E aha tō’ oe huru? means How are you? You might answer: Maita’i (Excellent!), Maita’i roa (Excellent!)
How old are you in Tahitian?

O vai tö ‘oe i’oa? How old are you?
How to say I love you my love in Tahiti?
How are you in Tahiti? In response: ‘E aha tÅ’ oe huru? means How are you? You can answer: Maita’i (Good!), Maita’i roa (Very good!) or Maita’i ri’i (Not bad).
How to say happy birthday in Tahitian?

he ora na i te fire matahiti! Happy holiday! ‘He ‘oa’oa i to ‘oe mahana fānaura’a!
How to say I love you in Polynesian? ua here at he oe! I like you! ‘aita pe’ape’a!
How do you say Monday in Tahitian?

Monire (Monday) comes from English Monday. Tāpati (Sunday) comes from the Hebrew Shabbat.
How to pronounce kiss in Tahitian Spirit! T pe’a te mÄ na’o! I kiss you!
How to say good afternoon in Tahitian? It’s like in Ia ora na.
How to say sun in Tahitian?

(f) Mahana: means “sun”. (m) Mana’arii: first name of Polynesian origin which can be translated as “royal power”. Derived from the word “mana” which means “strength” and “ari’i” which means “king”.
What language do Polynesians speak?
What language is spoken in Bora Bora? The spoken language of Tahitian (reo tahiti) is the mother tongue of 45% of Polynesians, but 80% of them use it as a vehicular language.
What language do they speak in the Marquesas? Marquesan is a Polynesian language of the Austronesian language family. This French Polynesian language is spoken in the Marquesas Islands.
How to say Merry Christmas in Tahitian?
Merry Christmas, “ia’oa’oa’i te noera”, to all.
How do you say my name is in Tahitian?
‘O vai t’oe i’oa? What is your name? ‘O “Vaetua vahine” tō’u i’oa. My name is “Ms. Vaetua” – (lit.: My name is “Ms. Vaetua”.
How do you say my name in Tahitian? ‘O vai t’oe i’oa? What is your name? ‘O ‘Vaetua vahine’ t ‘u i’oa. My name is “Ms. Vaetua” – (lit.: “Mrs. Vaetua” is my name.