Who rules Martinique

Qui dirige la martinique

What are white people called in Martinique?

In the French West Indies, béké is a white Creole from Guadeloupe or Martinique from the first European settlers.

Victor SCHOELCHER, French Colonies. Immediate abolition of slavery, 1842.

Toponymy. Kalinago de Hispaniola, also known by the name of this island: Madinina, Madiana or Mantinino meaning “mythical island” among the Tapanis of Hispaniola, which Columbus translates as Isla de las mujeres (island of women) because he was told that it was populated only by women.

rich natural heritage. Martinique is one of the 35 global biodiversity hotspots (Caribbean islands). Their unique richness is due to the endemism of many rare and endangered species and the character of the threatened but sheltered habitats.

Who were the first inhabitants of Martinique?

At the beginning, the Arawak Indians, Amerindians of Guyana, were the first to occupy Guadeloupe. The peaceful population of these fishermen was on the island until the 9th century.

History of Guadeloupe. The first inhabitants of the island were Indians who came from Venezuela a few hundred years before our time – peaceful fishermen who emerged: the Arawaks.

The first slave trade by the Dutch made contact with Martinique around 1641. The cultivation of sugar in Martinique was attempted in the 1640s, drawing on the success of Barbados, but to no avail. It was not until the 1650s that it took root, and more slowly than elsewhere.

The French became Martinique in 1635: it was managed by the Compagnie des Iles d’Amérique, created by Richelieu. Slavery developed there from the middle of the 17th century in order to provide free labor to sugar cane planters.

Why did they name Martinique?

rich natural heritage. Martinique is one of the 35 global biodiversity hotspots (Caribbean islands). Their unique richness is due to the endemism of many rare and endangered inherited species and the character of the habitats that provide shelter.

The pre-Columbian period In Martinique, the oldest archaeological sites establish the presence of Amerindians in the 1st century AD. The first inhabitants of Martinique are the Arawaks, who came from the Amazon.

How to get to Martinique If you want to get to Martinique rather than by plane, the shipping company L’Express des Iles offers, a few times a week, a boat crossing between Pointe-à-Pitre and Fort-de-France. Ships arrive in Saint-Pierre every Wednesday and every Saturday.

Victor SCHOELCHER, French Colonies. Immediate abolition of slavery, 1842.

How to go to Martinique?