Who colonized French Polynesia?

Contemporary history The first European visitors were, in the 16th century, the Spaniards Mendana (1595), who named the Marquesas Islands after his wife, then Kiros (1605), who crossed the Tuamotu archipelago. However, in the 18th century, expeditions multiplied.
Who are the first inhabitants of Polynesia? Polynesia was built around travel. Its first inhabitants, the Melanesians, crossed the Pacific from 1500 BC. They inhabit the Marquesas archipelago, then the Society archipelago, the Tuamotu archipelago, the Gambier archipelago and the Austral archipelago.
When did France colonize French Polynesia? France imposed itself on Tahiti in 1842 by establishing a protectorate which included the Windward Islands, the Leeward Islands, the Tuamotus and the Australian Islands. Queen Pomare IV died in 1877 and her successor Pomare V authorized the ratification of the annexation treaty on December 30, 1880.
Who is part of French Polynesia? The islands of the “Polynesian Triangle” make up Polynesia: 1 – Hawaii; 2-New Zealand; 3-Easter Island; 4 – Samoa; 5 – Tahiti.
Who discovered Moorea?
The island was inhabited at the same time as Tahiti, more than 1,000 years ago, by sailors who came from Southeast Asia on large canoes. Landed in Tahiti in 1767, Samuel Wallis was the first European to see it, but did not find it useful to explore it.
What was Moore’s last name before? At that time, he was called Pao Pao. Opunohu Bay is the wildest. At the bottom of the bay rises Tohiea or “shark’s tooth”, a superb rocky edition. Moorea is an essential island and it is often difficult to leave it.
How big is Moorea and how many kilometers is it from Tahiti? It has 16,000 inhabitants concentrated in numerous coastal villages: Maharepa, Paopao, Haapiti, Afareaitu, Vaiare, over an area of 134 km². Moorea is located 17 km from Tahiti and is often called “the sister island”. It has 8 mountains, including Mount Tohiea which culminates at 1207 m.
Who discovered Tahiti first? The arrival of Europeans. In the 16th century, Magellan then reached the island of Tuamotu and the Marquesas Islands. However, the Englishman Samuel Wallis discovered Tahiti in 1767.
Who delivers to Tahiti from the British?

However, the Englishman Samuel Wallis discovered Tahiti in 1767.
What is the origin of the Tahitians? The Tahitians, or Maohi, the Mahoi in Tahitian (meaning “indigenous, out of the country” in French), are the indigenous Polynesian and Austronesian peoples of Tahiti and thirteen other islands of the Society Archipelago in French Polynesia, as well as the current populations of these countries of mixed origin. in English: “…
How did Tahiti become French? France imposed itself on Tahiti in 1842 by establishing a protectorate which included the Windward Islands, the Leeward Islands, the Tuamotus and the Australian Islands. … At the end of the Tahitian royal reign, all these archipelagos will form the French institutions of Oceania.
Who occupies Tahiti?
Is Tahiti part of the Dom-tom?

Tahiti DOM or TOM? The overseas departments and territories, being part of the European Union, have been French departments since 1946. … French Polynesia, among others, is a POM or overseas state within the Republic. In addition, it has the status of “overseas collective”.
Who is part of TOM? There are therefore 4 overseas departments, and these are Martinique, Guyana, Réunion and Guadeloupe. Communities include Saint-Martin, New Caledonia, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna and Saint-Barthélemy.
What is the difference between DOM and TOM? They are referred to by different acronyms: the French overseas departments and territories mean “overseas departments and regions”; COM is the abbreviation of “overseas collective”; TOM stands for “Overseas Territory”.
What is HOME and what are volumes? There are 12 overseas territories: Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the French countries of Australia and Antarctica and the islands of Valais and Futuna, i.e. nearly 2.6 million…
Who delivers Tahiti from the British?

The first European to discover Tahiti was in fact British Lieutenant Samuel Wallis, who landed on June 19, 1767 in Matawai Bay, located in the territory of the Paré (Arue/Mahina) government, led by Chief Oberea (or Purea). ). Wallis named the island King George.
Which shell becomes a musical instrument in Tahiti and her islands?
The current aparima hīmene is said to have emerged in the 1930s and evolved with the use of imported stringed instruments, such as the guitar or ukulele.
What is the meaning of Maori tattoos? Maori tattoo: Legacy from afar Moana (ocean) and mana (spiritual force and energy) are two concepts that transcend all Polynesian cultures. These words are quite similar and reflect the closeness of Polynesian cultures to the ocean, as they believe the ocean represents life.
What is the meaning of the Polynesian tattooed body and the meaning of the Polynesian tattoo ritual? The human figures, also called enata in the language of the marquises, represent men, women and sometimes gods. They can be tattooed to represent people and their relationships. If placed upside down, they can be used to represent defeated enemies.
How are atolls formed?
400,000 years ago They evolved vertically with successive rises in sea level, forming coral rings surrounding deep lagoons. This is how the atolls we know today were created,” conclude the two authors.
How are atolls formed? The atoll is a ring-shaped, low-lying coral island and covers an often shallow lagoon in its center. It consists of a barrier reef and several motus, formed by the ground, formed as a result of the accumulation of material of detrital origin behind the coral.
How do you spell atoll? atoll n.m. An island of tropical seas, formed by coral reefs that surround …
What is the relationship between atolls and volcanoes? Over time, often over millions of years, the volcano completely disappears underwater, and only a ring-shaped coral reef remains on the surface, which is the atoll phase.
What department number for abroad?
If you were born abroad, the 2 digits of the departmental code are replaced by 99, and in the municipality by the INSEE code of the country of birth.
What is Department 99? In 1955, the new Algerian department of Bône is placed at the very bottom of the list and receives the number 99.
Where can I find the county council code? Therefore, it is important to remember that “department code” simply means the department number. In metropolitan France, these are the first two digits of a postal code preceded by 0. Examples: Var: 083.
What is the old name of Tahiti?
Thus, the ancient name of the island of Tahiti would be Hiti, or according to other sources, Hiti-nui (Hiti the Great; see Henry 1955: 75).
What is the Department of Tahiti? Department of French Polynesia – 98.
What is the capital of Tahiti? Papeete is the capital of Tahiti and French Polynesia. The commune itself, which extends over 19 km2, has only 26,050 inhabitants, which, despite having the highest population density on the island, makes it only the second most populated island, after Faaa.
What are people from French Polynesia called?
The Polynesians also call it Fenua, which in Tahitian means “territory” or “country”. … It is located in the South Pacific Ocean, about 6,000 kilometers east of Australia.
What are the people of Polynesia called? Polynesians; Europeans; Chinese; “half”, which is the result of a cross between two or three groups.
What do the Tahitians call the French? If the Tahitians speak French, they also have their own mother tongue, which varies according to the archipelagos. The inhabitants of Tuamotu, called Paumotu, speak Paumotu, which is different from Tahitian. Marquesses speak Marquis and Australians speak the Rurut dialect.
How to say I love you in Polynesian?
ua here at ia oe! I like you! aita pe’ape’a!
How do you say family in Polynesian? TE ‘UTUÄ€FARE –FAMILY.
How do you say kiss in Polynesian? Courage! To pe’a te mÄ na’o! I like you!
What is the best season to go to Tahiti?
You will make the most of Tahiti in the dry season, during the austral winter from mid-April to October. Average temperatures range from 27 to 24 degrees. Therefore, the best months to visit Papeete are May, June, July, August and September.
Is life expensive in Tahiti? Life in Tahiti is expensive, very expensive. Polynesia is ranked among the countries in the world where the cost of living is the highest. Before going abroad, you really have to assess whether the salary offered by your future employer will be sufficient to live here. 2021 Update
When to buy tickets for Tahiti? Compared to the statistical average price, the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November and December are the least expensive to travel to Tahiti. It could therefore be interesting to book now to go these months!