Which company serves Martinique

Quelle compagnie dessert la martinique

Which companies serve Martinique?

Book your flights to Martinique online with Air Caraïbes, Antilles.

Skyscanner allows you to access cheap flights to Guadeloupe (from hundreds of airlines including Air France, Delta, Air Canada) without having to specify a date or destination.

How to get to Martinique If you want to get to Martinique in addition to the plane, the shipping company L’Express des Iles offers a ferry crossing several times a week between Pointe-à-Pitre and Fort-de-France. Ships sail to Saint Pierre every Wednesday and every Saturday.

1) Choose the right period to find a cheap ticket to Martinique. According to a detailed table on ou-et-quand.net (part of the “average price of flights to Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, you have to bet in March, April, May, September, October and November.

Which airline for the West Indies?

Book your flights to Martinique online with Air Caraïbes, Antilles.

Skyscanner allows you to access cheap flights to Guadeloupe (from hundreds of airlines including Air France, Delta, Air Canada) without having to specify a date or destination.

When to go: What is the RIGHT price for a return ticket to Guadeloupe (Pointe-à-Pitre) from Paris. The average price for a trip between Guadeloupe airport and Paris airport is €442 (round trip).

If you want to go to the Caribbean, know that you will have the choice between a plane and a boat. The islands are interconnected; some with a ferry terminal. The main islands have an airport.

What are the companies for Guadeloupe?

Tips for finding a cheap flight to Guadeloupe. Book at least 2 weeks before departure to get a lower than average price. The main season is in July, August and September, and September is the cheapest month to travel to Guadeloupe.

We recommend the month of May, because it is still warm there and there are fewer tourists. Certain dates such as December 25 or January 1 can also be interesting in terms of price.

Which companies serve the West Indies from France?

  • Air France.
  • AirCaribbean.
  • XLAirways.
  • Corsair.

You can enter Guadeloupe with a valid identity card or passport. You will not need a visa if you are Swiss and a citizen of the European Union.

When is the cheapest time to go to Martinique?

1) Choose the right period to find a cheap ticket to Martinique. According to a detailed table on ou-et-quand.net (part of the “average price of flights to Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, you have to bet in March, April, May, September, October and November.

For your trip to Martinique we have calculated an average budget of 1350 € per person and per week. This price corresponds to a stay that you have organized yourself. However, you can compare prices if you prefer arrangements.

Visiting Martinique: what are the best things to do and see on the so-called “flower island”?

  • Saint Pierre. Photo: Wikimedia – Jean & Nathalie. …
  • Garden in Balata. …
  • Mount Pelee. …
  • Fort of France. …
  • Trail Road. …
  • Pagery Museum. …
  • Pointe du Bout. …
  • Saint Anne.

Book your flights to Martinique online with Air Caraïbes, Antilles.