When to go to Martinique

Quand partir la martinique

What is the best season to go to Martinique?

Where and when to go to Martinique?

From December to May, it is summer in Martinique. This is the best time to travel to Martinique. Continuous heat temperature where above 25°C on average with some air cooling. The rainy season extends from June to November.

For your trip to Martinique, we have calculated an average budget of €1350 per person per week. This price corresponds to the stay that you yourself have planned. You can of course compare prices if you prefer tours.

The best time to visit Martinique is winter, from December to April. From February to April, the fog will be less and the heat will be more tolerant.

According to the table on where-and-when.net (segment – medium airline in Martiniqueâ), to get a cheap ticket to Martinique, you need to connect in March, April, May, September, October and November. Great tourist season in Martinique: December to April.

What is the high season in Martinique?

What budget for 10 days in Martinique?