What is the distance between France and Martinique?
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between United States of America and Guadeloupe is 6,686.44 km (4,000.68 mi). The shortest route between France and Guadeloupe is according to the route planner.
How long is the flight from Paris to Fort-de-France in Martinique? The distance between Paris and Fort-de-France is approximately 6,850 kilometers as the crow flies. A direct journey between the two cities takes approximately 9 hours.
Distance between Guadeloupe and Martinique The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Guadeloupe and Martinique is 186.83 km. The shortest route between Guadeloupe and Martinique is according to the route planner. The driving time will be approximately 5h 27min.
The distance between Paris and Guyana is 7,231 kilometers (7,231 kilometres).
What is the distance between Paris and Fort-de-France?
What is the distance between Paris and Noumea?
What is the distance between Paris and Papeete?
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Noumea and Paris is 10,743.62 km(6,743.62 mi). The shortest route between Noumea and Paris is according to the route planner.
Both companies stop in Los Angeles. Allow 22 hours on average to get to Papeete. The frequencies are numerous: Air France operates 3 weekly flights and Air Tahiti Nui up to 6 weekly flights.
The distance between France and Australia is 15,000 kilometers!
The geographic midpoint between Tahiti and Hawaii is 1,961.02 Km. Distance between the two points, the bearing is 235.06°. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Tahiti and Hawaii is 3,922.04 km. The shortest route between Tahiti and Hawaii is according to the route planner.