Salaries in Tahiti: Discover the Average Income of Polynesians!

Salaires à Tahiti : Découvrez le Revenu Moyen des Polynésiens !

What are the average salaries in Tahiti?

Do you have questions about the standard of living and the average salary of Polynesians? You are in the right place! In this article, we will review the salaries in French Polynesia, their variations according to the sector of activity and the position held. We will also discuss the type of contracts and career prospects.

Average salary in French Polynesia

According to the latest statistics, the average salary annual fee for Polynesians amounts to around 25,000 euros, or around 2,000 euros per month. However, this amount varies considerably depending on the sector of activity in which the Polynesian finds himself and his position.

For example, a banking manager could earn up to 50,000 euros per year while a course employee can earn 24,000 euros per year. While a chef can earn up to 36,000 euros, a dishwasher will enjoy an annual salary of up to 26,000 euros.

This average salary includes all salaries, from office worker to CEO. It usually consists of a monthly salary paid directly by the week or month, plus an hourly salary, which is usually the highest for those working part-time.

Types of employment contracts and career prospects

Types of employment contracts and career prospects

Polynesians generally have the choice between short, medium and long-term contracts. Short-term contracts are temporary contracts and often only last a few weeks or even months. Medium-term contracts are more common and last between one and three years. Finally, long-term contracts are the most frequent type of contract in Tahiti; they can last several years, even decades.

Most positions in Tahiti are filled with long-term contracts, particularly in the education, social welfare or health sectors. By offering more security and stability, these long-term contracts are in high demand by the local population.

Additionally, salaries and career opportunities are favorable to Tahiti. Polynesians can expect rapid career growth and fairly steady salary increases. The most lucrative positions are those of executives in the largest companies, such as Air Tahiti or Total. These positions increase Tahiti’s average salary by adding a layer of very high earners.


The average salary in Tahiti is around 2000 euros per month and varies according to the profession exercised. Short, medium and long-term contracts also exist and can offer interesting career prospects.

The advantages of long-term positions are numerous, and the career prospects are excellent. Incomes are also favorable in Tahiti, especially for the positions occupied by the executives of the most important companies.