Guadeloupe when to go

Guadeloupe a quelle periode y aller

When is the cheapest time to go to Guadeloupe?

Average price according to the month of departure If you leave in September, the price of the plane ticket will be statistically the cheapest (343 €, or conversely, the month of July will be the most expensive (635 € or 193 € more than the average) the price).

What budget to go to Guadeloupe?

For your trip to Guadeloupe, we have estimated a budget of approx. 1400 € per person Pr. Week. This price corresponds to a stay that you have organized yourself. However, you can compare prices if you prefer a holiday package.

Which Dom-tom is the cheapest?

New Caledonia seems to be the most expensive area with a price difference of 34% compared to France. Details. In March 2010, Isee (Statistical Institute of New Caledonia) carried out a comprehensive price comparison study between New Caledonia and France.

When to buy a plane ticket for Guadeloupe?

We recommend the month of May because it is still very warm there and there are fewer tourists. Certain dates such as December 25 or January 1 can also be interesting in terms of price.

What is the best month to go to Guadeloupe?

The best time to visit Guadeloupe is from January to April during the dry season. When should I see the carnival? In Guadeloupe, the carnival takes place over 2 months. This festive and cultural event takes place from January to mid-late February.

What is the hurricane period in the West Indies?

As regards the Atlantic Ocean basin and the adjacent seas, where cyclones remain rare in June and November, the hurricane season, on the other hand, is in full swing between the beginning of July and the end of October, the most active period for our West Indies. He is . one runs from August 15 to October 15.

When is the best time to go to the West Indies?

The best way to go to the Caribbean is of course the season between December and April. The sky is almost always blue, the temperatures are warm but not too high and the air is dry. You will particularly appreciate this mild weather away from the cold part of Europe or North America.

What is the cyclone season in Guadeloupe?

Every year from June to November, Guadeloupe is exposed to the risk of cyclones. In this file, you will find information and advice to prepare yourself as well as the safety instructions to follow to protect yourself.

When to go to Zanzibar?

The best time to travel to Zanzibar To sum up the climatic issues, it is advisable to leave during the dry season. Between June and September for a lighter atmosphere, between December and February for more heat.

Where to go in Guadeloupe in April?

Pointe a Pitre in April In April, Pointe a Pitre enjoys good sunshine of about 8 hours a day with an estimated number of rainy days that month. 11. You can get hosed down from time to time.

When to go to Les Saintes?

Best times Les Saintes It is hot all year round. The average temperature ranges from 30° (January) to 32° (May). The sea temperature is very comfortable all year round! … We recommend the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, November, December, to visit Les Saintes.

What is the rainy season in Guadeloupe?

The rainy season – also called wet season or wintering – runs from June to November.

What is dangerous in Guadeloupe?

The criminal mortality rate exceeding Marseille or Corsica. The tourist fears nothing provided that certain rules are respected. 42 is (fortunately) not the air temperature in the West Indies, but unfortunately the latest criminal mortality figure in Guadeloupe this year.

What is the best guide for Guadeloupe?

# Product Price
1 Guide du Routard Guadeloupe 2020: (St Martin, St Barth … €13.95
2 Guadeloupe in a few days – 3ed €9.99
3 Guadeloupe green guide €17.90
4 Guide Guadeloupe €9.95

When is the best time to go to New Caledonia?

The best time for a game in New Caledonia is between July and January. The climate is pleasant and the months of July and August mark the whale season. From September to November, the most pleasant period extends to hiking and water sports.