Discover the Official Language of Bora Bora!
Bora Bora is not only one of the most visited and famous places of the Polynesian islands, it is also an archipelago that is home to great cultural and linguistic diversity. This rich diversity is visible in the more than two dozen LANGUAGES present in the archipelago that is home to Bora Bora.
There are mainly two LANGUAGES main languages spoken in Bora Bora: the tahitian and the French. In daily life, the indigenous population of the main island of Bora Bora, of 4,200 inhabitants, speak mainly tahitian. Besides the tahitian, TEA French is also widespread, especially among the foreign community that has settled on the island as well as in the coastal towns and villages.
Tahitian, a very living language!

TEA tahitian is a Tahitian language that is experiencing a revival and is spoken in many parts of French Polynesia, the largest of which is in Bora Bora. The depth and richness of Tahitian language are a way for Bora Bora locals to connect with their cultural identity and historical heritage. TEA tahitian spoken along sunny shores and coasts convey a sense of warmth, welcome and security. In addition, locals find that the tahitian is more suitable than French to express particular sentiments whose nuance is lost in French terms.
English, language appreciated by visitors

TEA French and the tahitian are sometimes mixed together in an interactive shuffle called “a French fault”. TEA French is a bigger challenge to learn on the island, and for this reason, it is common for visitors to prefer the French and choose to use it instead of trying to speak tahitian.
The Tahitian and the French: the best of both worlds
Through the learning and dissemination of languages in Bora Bora, locals and visitors can fully enjoy the benefits of both. LANGUAGES the most spoken in Bora Bora. Both LANGUAGES are appreciated at their true value and each shine in their own way. Moreover, the tahitian and the French are both used in a wide variety of situations, speeches, performances and local media platforms in tahitian Gold French presentations and communications with tourists.
Thanks to this rich cultural and linguistic heritage, the inhabitants and visitors of Bora Bora can enjoy the advantages of languages tahitian And French. The two languages complement each other, and each of them helps to give Bora Bora the cultural character and warmth that make it famous throughout Polynesia.
The Benefits of Learning Tahitian and French

Mastering and mixing LANGUAGES tahitian And French offer locals and visitors a variety of materials they would not have if they only learned one language. This mixture provides a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures. Taking into account two cultures that share a common language is particularly beneficial when traveling to countries that have LANGUAGES entirely different.
tahitian And French are both LANGUAGES officials of Bora Bora. Locals and tourists are encouraged to learn to speak both LANGUAGES, because the benefits are many, and go beyond a simple trip to the surroundings to prepare indigenous local flavors, read stories, Tahitian legends and take full measure of the rich and varied Polynesian culture of the surroundings.