Where and when to go to Reunion Island

Ou et quand partir ile de la reunion

¿Dónde está ubicada la reunion en el mapa mundial?

Located 680 km east of Madagascar â see world map Reunion Island â and 180 km south â west of Mauritius, officially the department of Réunion is located in the western Indian Ocean .

¿Dónde está Mauricio en el mapa mundial?

Where to find Mauritius on the world map? Mauritius is located in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean and north of the Tropic of Capricorn. The Island lies about 885 km east of Madagascar; about 2,400 km southeast of mainland Africa; and 3,900 km southwest of India.

¿Dónde está Guadalupe en el mapa mundial?

Located in the northern hemisphere between the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean and halfway between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer, Guadeloupe is nestled in the heart of the Lesser Antilles.

¿Dónde se encuentra Mayotte en el mapa mundial?

Mayotte is part of the Comoros archipelago located in the Mozambique Channel, between Madagascar and the coasts of Africa. This archipelago includes many islands of volcanic origin and of different sizes, including: Grande Comore (1,146 km2), Anjouan (424 km2), Moheli (290 km2) and Mayotte (376 km2).

¿Dónde is the Isla de la Reunion?

¿Cuál is the antiguo number of the Isla de la Reunion?

Called Dina Morghabine by the Arabs, then Ile Bourbon by the French, the island took its current name in 1794, in reference to the “meeting of the States General”. In 1803, it became Île Bonaparte, then Bourbon again in 1814, after five years of English occupation. In 1848, it will resume its final name.

¿Dónde se encuentra the island of Mayotte?

The archipelago of Mayotte is a French overseas department located in the Indian Ocean, near Africa. Like Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion and Guyana, this department has certain particularities.

¿Cuál es el clima en la Isla Reunion?

Reunion enjoys a tropical climate softened by the influence of the trade winds, but it is characterized above all by a great diversity of micro-climates linked in particular to the insularity and the relief of the island. Reunion enjoys intense sunshine all year round on the coasts.

¿Dónde se encuentra la Isla de la Reunion en relación con Francia?

Located 9000 kilometers from mainland France, Reunion Island is off the east coast of Madagascar, about 200 kilometers west of Mauritius. Lost in the heart of the Indian Ocean, it is the largest island of the Mascarene archipelago and is located in the southern hemisphere.

¿Qué departamento es 974?

The department of La Réunion bears the number 974 and is made up of 4 arrondissements, 49 cantons and 24 communes. The 4 districts of the department of La Réunion are: Saint-Denis, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Benoît, Saint-Paul.

¿Cuánto mide la Isla de la Reunion?

The island of Reunion (overseas department (DOM) and region (ROM)) is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, 9,200 km from mainland France. The island is 72 km long and 51 km wide.

¿Que oceano in the Isla de la Reunion?

Reunion far from the heart, but firmly anchored in the Indian Ocean.

¿Cuándo ir a la Isla de la Reunion?

Reunion’s climate is tropical. Prefer the months of May, June, July, August, September, October. Avoid the wet season from November to May, and especially the months of January, February and March. …

¿Cuáles son los puntos fuertes de la Isla Reunion?

The remoteness and the volcanic mountains can become assets: – Reunion has a strategic importance (commercial and military) for the French presence in the world because of its location in the Indian Ocean. – The exoticism of a remote tropical island attracts tourists.

¿Cuándo ir a la Isla de la Reunion?

The best time to go Reunion Island is located in the southern hemisphere, so the seasons are reversed compared to mainland France. Summer from November to April is a hot and humid season. The winter from May to October is rather dry and temperate.