The cost of living in Polynesia is 31% higher than in France. Local purchasing power is also 14.8% lower. When traveling, plan a local budget of at least €150/day and per person (17,900 XPF/day).
What language does Bora Bora speak?

Spoken language Tahitian (reo tahiti) is the mother tongue of 45% of Polynesians, but 80% of them use it as a lingua franca.
How much does it cost to go to Bora Bora? Budget for a one-month trip to French Polynesia (plane ticket included) and per person: Budget: €4,300 Average budget: €6,000 High budget: €9,500
When is the best time to visit Bora Bora? The rainiest months are: February, January and December. We recommend the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October, to visit Bora Bora.
Where is the island of Bora Bora located? Bora-Bora (in Tahitian: Pora Pora “firstborn”) is one of the Leeward Islands of the Society Archipelago in French Polynesia. It is located 255 km west-northwest of the capital Papeete.
What is the weather in Polynesia in January?

Papeete in January The average temperatures are between 23°C and 33°C but keep in mind that depending on the year they can go down to 19°C and go up to 34°C.
When is the best time to visit Tahiti? You will enjoy Tahiti in the dry season, during the austral winter from mid-April to October. Average temperatures vary between 27 and 24 degrees. The best months to visit Papeete are therefore May, June, July, August and September.
When is the best time to go to the Marquesas Islands? The best time to visit the Marquesas Islands are the least rainy months between August and December.
What is the best season to go to French Polynesia? The best time to go to French Polynesia is from May to October, during the dry season. The Gambier and Austral archipelagos operate in opposite directions and offer ideal weather from November to March.
Where are whale sharks found?

The whale shark is found in tropical and temperate to warm waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. In winter, young whale sharks come to feed on plankton in the nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf of Tadjourah, off the coast of Djibouti.
Does the whale shark exist? The whale shark is the largest living fish in the oceans. A filter animal, he does not have the reputation of being bloodthirsty like the other members of his family. However, when it comes to a shark, it has long been believed that these gentle giants feed almost exclusively on animals.
What is the name of the biggest fish in the world? With a maximum length of 18 meters, the whale shark undoubtedly sets the record for the largest fish in the world. “It’s absolutely gigantic, it’s the size of an articulated bus on a city street,” marvels Dr.
Where to swim with dolphins in Polynesia?

Swimming with dolphins in Moorea Moorea is for us THE best place to swim with dolphins in Polynesia. There are spinner dolphins and pilot whales, better known as pilot dolphins.
Where to see dolphins in Tahiti? Moorea is for us THE best place to swim with dolphins in Polynesia. There are spinner dolphins and pilot whales, better known as pilot dolphins. On site, we will take you closer to the dolphins during various excursions.
Where to see whales in French Polynesia? Delivery usually takes place in September, in Tahiti and Moorea or Rurutu, in the Austral Islands. In Polynesia, the “whale season” lasts about four months (July to November).
Do whale sharks exist?

The whale shark is the largest living fish in the oceans. A filter animal, he does not have the reputation of being bloodthirsty like the other members of his family.
How big is a whale shark?
Where are whale sharks found? The whale shark is found in the warm and temperate waters of all the oceans of the world between the parallel 30 north and the parallel 35 south, that is to say in the tropical belt. It is a pelagic species that lives mainly in deep waters.
What is the biggest fish in the world? With a maximum length of 18 meters, the whale shark undoubtedly sets the record for the largest fish in the world.
Where to see whale sharks in the Philippines?
There are several places in the Philippines to observe and swim with whale sharks in their natural environment. Two of the best known are Donsol on the island of Luzon and Oslob on the island of Cebu, but there are also other sites off Palawan and in Padre Burgos Bay on the island of Leyte.
Where and when to see whale sharks? Near the Yucatan Peninsula, whale shark season runs from June to September, while whale shark season on the Baja Mexico Peninsula runs from winter to early spring.
Where to swim with whale sharks? Here are the best destinations to dive with whale sharks.
- Quintana Roo, Yucatan Province, Mexico. …
- Gladden Spit, Belize, Mexico. …
- Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. …
- Koh Tao, Hin Daeng and Hin Muang and the Similan Islands in Thailand. …
- Cape San Sebastian, Mozambique. …
- Utila, Honduras.
When to see whale sharks in the Maldives? Save your diaries and calendars: if you want to swim with the whale shark in the Maldives, book your trip between August and November. At this time, the conditions are favorable for the feeding of this large insatiable animal, which can be observed between two dives with a simple PMT kit.
What is the weather like in Polynesia in August?
Papeete in August The average temperatures are between 21°C and 31°C but keep in mind that depending on the year they can go down to 16°C and go up to 32°C.
How is the weather in Tahiti in November? A tropical climate In Polynesian latitudes, it’s summer all year round! However, two seasons stand out, the dry and the rainy. The first extends from March to November with temperatures between 21 and 27°C while the second offers warmer temperatures ranging from 25 to 35°C.
When to go to the Society Islands? The ideal time to travel to the Society Islands as well as the Tuamotu Archipelago is between April and October, during the dry season, due to temperatures above 30°C, the water is warm and between 26° C and 29°C.
How do whales swim?
A perfectly streamlined body, a tail that generates strong up and down thrust, a smooth skin that reduces friction, a dorsal fin that, like the keel of a boat, regulates the flow backwards when diving and pectoral fins that stabilize and. ..
How wide is the blue whale? The epidermis is usually slate gray or bluish, sometimes mottled with lighter patterns. The pectoral fins are triangular and about 4 meters long, while the thick tail is extended by a caudal fin whose width varies between 6 and 7.5 meters.
How do whales eat? When the whale opens its mouth, it ingests large amounts of water, plankton and shrimp are sucked in at the same time. Then, close your mouth a little, clean the barbs (horny blades) with your tongue and remove the food particles which will then be swallowed.
How big is the whale? In the northern hemisphere, females measure between 21 and 23 m and males between 20 and 21 m. Individuals from the southern hemisphere are slightly larger, females 23-24 m and males 22 m. Scientists estimate that blue whales have a lifespan of at least 80 years.
Where to see sperm whales?
Sperm whales can be seen mainly in the Azores, Dominica, Guadeloupe, but also in Australia. The sperm whale is one of the largest cetaceans you will have the opportunity to meet… Contrary to popular belief, the sperm whale is not a whale.
Where to see whales in summer? Alaska: Whale watching in the Far North of the United States. In the far north of America is Alaska, a polar region where all kinds of whales migrate during the summer months.
When to go to the Azores to see whales? Whales in the Azores If you are lucky, you can spot the majestic Blue Whale or Blue Whale, which is especially visible from March to June.
What climate in Polynesia?
Due to its geographical position, the Polynesian climate is tropical and humid maritime. There are generally two main seasons: … From May to October, a so-called “cool” season or austral winter which coincides with less humidity.
What is the fastest aquatic animal in the world?
Sailfish is the champion of the marine world! While land animals can reach the speed of a car on a highway, keep in mind that some fish are the same.
What is the fastest sea animal in the world? Also known as the killer whale, the orca is, despite its impressive size and weight, the fastest marine mammal. Its speed reaches 55 km / hour, some scientists even put forward the figure of 65 km / hour, however over short distances.
Which animal moves the fastest in water? Like sound, animals can move through water faster than on land. The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) compete for the place of the fastest marine animal.
Where to see rays in Guadeloupe?
Petite Terre Reserve The channel formed between the two islets is a magnificent playground for lovers of masked diving and snorkeling. In the clear, shallow waters, you may be lucky enough to see great stingrays, turtles, lemon sharks and barracudas.
Where to snorkel in Guadeloupe? On the west coast of Basse Terre, the region of Bouillante is the top spot for snorkeling in Guadeloupe. Malendure beach, a 10-minute drive north of Bouillante, is famous for spotting green sea turtles, which come to feed on the seagrass beds of the bay.
Where to find sharks in Guadeloupe? We learned that there were about fifty species of sharks present in the waters of Guadeloupe. And that the heart of Guadalupe de Fajou National Park was one of the breeding grounds for Guadalupe lemon sharks. Dive. Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris).