When to go to Guadeloupe Island

Quand partir ile guadeloupe

When is the cheapest time to go to Guadeloupe?

Make an appointment at least 2 weeks before the trip to get one cheaper on average. High season is July, August and September and September is the cheapest month to travel to Guadeloupe.

When to buy a plane ticket to Guadeloupe?

We recommend it in May, because it is still very hot where there are few tourists. Certain dates such as December 25 or January 1 can also be interesting in terms of price.

What budget to spend in Guadeloupe?

For your trip to Guadeloupe, we estimate a total budget of approximately 1400 per person per week. This price is equivalent to a stay that you have organized yourself. However, you can compare prices if you prefer package tours.

Where to go in April for sunbathing?

Aim Temperature A sunny day
green blanket 26° 29
Columbia 31° 27
Costa Rica 36° 29
Cuba 30° 26

What is the period of cyclones in Guadeloupe?

Every year, from June to November, Guadeloupe depends on the risk of hurricanes. In this file, you will find information and advice to prepare as well as safety instructions to follow to protect yourself.

What is dangerous in Guadeloupe?

The death toll is higher there than in Marseille or Corsica. Tourists are not afraid if they follow certain rules. 42, not (fortunately) the air temperature in the West Indies, but unfortunately the last assessment in Guadeloupe this year.

When is the best time to go to Polynesia?

From mid-April to mid-October is a dry season. August and September are excellent times to visit French Polynesia. Humidity is less tolerable than during the Australian summer due to trade winds.

When to go to Zanzibar?

Best time to travel to Zanzibar To sum up, the weather issue, it is recommended to go during the dry season. Between June and September in mild weather, between December and February in hot weather.

What is the best month to go to Guadeloupe?

Three different seasons allow you to know when to go to Guadeloupe: a very good season from January to March; suitable seasons for December, April and May; unfavorable period from June to November.

What is hurricane season in the West Indies?

Given the Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding oceans, while hurricanes are rare in June and November, the hurricane season is between the beginning of July and the end of October, the most active season on our Caribbean island. one from August 15 to October 15.

When is the best time to go to the West Indies?

The best way to travel to the West Indies is of course the season between December and April. The sky is still blue, the temperature is warm but not too high and the air is dry. You will particularly appreciate this mild climate, far from the cold of Europe or North America.

What is the rainy season in Guadeloupe?

The rainy season – also called rainy season or winter – runs from June to November.

Which sea in Guadeloupe?

Located between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer, and bathed to the west by the Caribbean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, Guadeloupe is an island of 1780 km2 with two main islands, Basse-Terre and Grande-Terre. Land, cut by a narrow channel, Rivière Salée .

What is the most beautiful place in Guadeloupe?

Do not miss the Carbet waterfalls, 3 beautiful waterfalls along the Capesterre-Belle-Eau, the Ecrevisses waterfall on the Traversée road (also take the opportunity to visit the Parc des Mamelles on the same road), in the village of Deshaies and its main Grande Anse beach, volcanic climbing…

When is the best time to go to New Caledonia?

The best time to be part of New Caledonia is between July and January. The weather is nice and July and August mark whale time. From September to November increases the best time for hiking and water sports.