When to buy plane tickets to Guadeloupe

Quand acheter des billets d'avion pour la guadeloupe

What is the cheapest month to go to Guadeloupe?

Tips for finding a cheap flight to Guadeloupe. Book at least 2 weeks before departure to get a lower than average price. The high season is in July, August and September and September is the cheapest month to travel to Guadeloupe.

Where to stay in Guadeloupe?

Le Gosier, where most of the hotels on the island are located, Sainte Anne, a small town renowned for its beaches, and Saint François, one of the most important tourist centers in Guadeloupe, represent the most touristic areas of the region.

What day to leave by plane to pay less?

The cheapest days to book a plane ticket are Wednesday and Thursday, mid-week. Airlines usually update their booking databases overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday.

When is the best time to buy a plane ticket?

It is therefore preferable to buy your ticket between Tuesday and Thursday and ideally on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The time even has its interest: in off-peak hours, that is to say between midnight and 6 am (and especially from 4 am to 6 am), companies tend to offer or reduce fees.

When to buy plane tickets Martinique?

1) Choose the right period to find a cheap ticket to Martinique. According to the detailed table of the site ou-et-quand.net (part “average prices of flights in Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, it is necessary to bet on the months of March, April, May, September, October and November.

Which airline for Martinique?

Book your flights to Martinique online with Air Caraïbes, the airline of the West Indies.

What is the high season in Martinique?

High season in Guadeloupe and Martinique Appointment from December to April for the high season. The most pleasant time of the year, the inhabitants of these two departments will be happy to share their mild climate with you.

How to go to Martinique cheap?

In the past 72 hours, the cheapest airfare to Martinique from France was €122 one-way and €373 return. Paris-Orly – Fort De France Martinique-Aimé-Césaire International Airport is the most popular route.

When to buy a plane ticket for Guadeloupe?

When to buy your Paris – Guadeloupe (Pointe-à-Pitre) plane ticket to pay the lowest price? Statistically, you will realize the biggest savings by buying your plane ticket 2 to 3 months in advance. On the other hand, you risk paying the full price if you book between 11 and 12 months in advance.

When is the best time to go to Guadeloupe?

The best time to visit Guadeloupe is from January to April during the dry season. When to go to see the carnival? In Guadeloupe, the carnival takes place over 2 months. This festive and cultural event takes place from January to mid-late February.

What is the most beautiful place in Guadeloupe?

The archipelago of Saintes Les Saintes is one of the essential stages of the Guadeloupe archipelago. Favorite destination of travelers in Guadeloupe, this string of islands has something to seduce: very beautiful beaches, picturesque villages and a very interesting historical heritage.

Which airline for Guadeloupe?

Skyscanner provides access to cheap flights to Guadeloupe (from hundreds of airlines including Air France, Delta, Air Canada) without you having to specify a date or destination.

How to get around Guadeloupe?

The boat is the essential means of transport to move from island to island. Whether you rented a car or not. The only problem is that many ports are not easily accessible without a car. There are, however, a few islands that can be easily visited, such as Île du Gosier.

Which airline for the West Indies?

Which companies serve the West Indies from France?

  • Air France.
  • AirCaribbean.
  • XLAirways.
  • Corsair.

What identity papers for Guadeloupe?

– Papers (EU): valid identity card. Please note: if you wish to take the opportunity to travel to islands outside the French Caribbean (such as Saint-Martin), a valid passport is required. – Best season: from December to April (dry season or Lent). – Duration of the direct flight: 8h30.