What reason to travel?

Quel motif pour voyager ?

Strong personal or family reasons: Documents required: death certificate or certificate, medical certificate specifying the situation of the person whose prognosis is important, proof of family ties. Vital medical emergencies (for the person and accompanying persons if their presence is essential).

What proof for a compelling reason?

What proof for a compelling reason?

Only non-vaccinated travelers must provide convincing family, health or professional reasons for traveling to or from Reunion.

How can you justify a compelling family reason?

How can you justify a compelling family reason?

This can be, for example, the death or serious illness of a loved one or the obligation to move the family for professional reasons. Proof of the main family reasons must be provided by any document, in paper or digital format, justifying the situation presented.

What are the compelling reasons for coming to France?

What are the compelling reasons for coming to France?

Travel to and from all overseas territories is subject to compelling reasons, with the exception of people benefiting from a complete vaccination schedule, and to screening tests.