In three months, more than 620,000 Rohingyas will flee to Bangladesh to escape this violent crackdown aimed at punishing the entire ethnic minority. … The Rohingyas are therefore forced to migrate to escape execution, torture, rape.
What is the name of the population currently victim of a genocide in Burma?

The Rohingyas were victims of genocide according to the UN. A UN report accused Burmese generals of committing genocide against the country’s Muslim minority. 700,000 Rohingya have fled Bangladesh since last year.
Who are persecuted in Burma? Since 2017, the Rohingya crisis (a Muslim minority effectively persecuted since 2012 in Rakhine State by the country’s Buddhist majority) has suddenly reminded the world of Burma’s deep structural weaknesses.
What are the Muslims of Burma called? While a democratic wind is blowing over Burma, the Rohingyas, a Muslim minority persecuted by most Buddhists, remain victims of a denial of citizenship.
Who are you chasing the Rohingyas? The Rohingyas were victims of attacks from neighboring Burma and the Portuguese, including the attack of 30,000 Burmese soldiers in 1785, who then took 20,000 people as slaves.
Who supports the Myanmar Army?

The Burmese National Army is the best-known name of a Burmese armed independence force, created with the support of the Empire of Japan to take part in the Burma Campaign.
Who are Burma’s allies? It opposes the Allied forces (United Kingdom and British troops from India and Canada, Republic of China, United States) to those of the Axis, represented by the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Thailand.
Why the civil war in Burma? “The political and security crisis in Burma is worsening and has led to an economic, health and humanitarian crisis,” the Cambodian foreign minister said. “We believe that all the ingredients for a civil war are now on the table.”
Who supports the Burmese putsch? Aung Thwin and Aung Thwin argue that Ne Win possessed political legitimacy based on Burmese culture and history, which enabled him to seize power in the 1962 coup.
Video: What’s the problem in Burma?
When is the best time to visit Myanmar?

The best time to go to Burma and admire a thousand slender stupas emerging from a dusty fog is from November to March: after the monsoon and before the heat. Remember to book your trip in advance!
Where and when? Where and when is an exclusive and powerful algorithm that analyzes climates and seasonal normals, the cost of living and the price of flights to tell where and when to go around the world at the best time, objectively (the date decides the ranking, not commercial offers!).
Is it dangerous to go to Burma? The dangers in Burma are not only natural. They can also be caused by criminals. Tourist areas are particularly exposed. Passenger flights are sometimes recorded and are part of the risk on the site in Burma.
What is the situation of the Rohingyas in Myanmar?

The Rohingya are stateless and therefore do not enjoy the protection of any state. Without nationality or official status, the Rohingya do not have the right to work. A complex situation that prevents them from rebuilding themselves, or from returning to their country still heavily affected by the war.
What is the political system in Burma?
What is the religion of the Rohingya? Considered “the most persecuted minority in the world” by the UN in 2019, the Rohingyas are Sunni Muslims, victims of systematic discrimination for decades. They already formed before the 2017 crisis the largest community of stateless people in the world.
What is the problem in Burma? The reason given by the military for this coup, the third since the country’s independence in 1948: “enormous” electoral fraud, according to them, during the legislative elections of November 2020.