What is it in Martinique

Quelle est t'il en martinique

What time is it in the West Indies?

Today, it is 5 times smaller in Martinique than in Paris. In summer, a transfer of 6 hours is less than in Paris. That is to say, it is 6 o’clock in the morning. in Fort-de-France when it is noon in Paris. In winter, a 5 hour transfer is less than in Paris.

Cities Immediate difference
(UTC-4) Marigot (Saint-Martin) L’anse-Marcel Baie-Nettlé Time difference with France: -5h00 When it is 12h00 in France, it is 7h00 in this area. Conversely, when it is 12:00 noon in this zone, it is 5:00 p.m. in France.
Coordinated Universal Time Actual time time zone
UTC-04:00 8:00:05 PM Friday February 26th, 2021 America / St_Vincent

Summer time: Pointe à Pitre has no time change in 2021. Evolution of the time difference between Pointe à Pitre and Paris, taking into account the time change in Paris, during the year 2021: Until 03/27: 5 hours late. At noon in Paris, it is 7 am in Pointe à Pitre.

What time in the Caribbean?

“True” time (also called “solar time”) is defined geometrically as follows: it is true noon (= 12:00) when the sun is located directly in the meridian plane of the place considered.

12:30 p.m.: It’s half past twelve. 24:00: It is midnight. 12:30 p.m.: It’s half past midnight.

time zone Europe / Paris
Coordinated Universal Time GMT/UTC UTC 1
CEST Summer Time: Central European Summer Time UTC 2
CET Standard Time: Central European Time in effect UTC 1

What is the time difference between France?

The principle: each year, you change the time by moving your watch on the last Sunday in March for summer and pushing it back on the last October for winter. The 2019 time change will be made on Sunday March 31 for the summer time change and on Sunday October 27 for the winter time.

The date for the change of daylight saving time is set for Sunday March 29, 2020 at 2 p.m.: the hands must then be advanced in about an hour … that is to say less hours of sleep tonight!

time zone Europe / Paris
Coordinated Universal Time GMT/UTC UTC 1
CEST Summer Time: Central European Summer Time UTC 2
CET Standard Time: Central European Time in effect UTC 1

Where is Martinique located in the world?

Map of Martinique The island is located between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer in the middle of the Caribbean archipelago and 7000 kilometers from France.

Nature and landscapes. With its steep hills, steep cliffs, tropical forests and white sand beaches, Martinique is stingy with spectacular views! … If Martinique is called “the island of flowers”, the name Guadeloupe, “island of beautiful waters”, is called Karukera.

Best time to go The dry season from December to April is the best time to enjoy your trip to Martinique. Rain is rare and the temperature is pleasant.