Sunbathing in Polynesia: an ephemeral illusion!

Bronzer en Polynésie : une illusion éphémère !

Sunbathing in Polynesia: an ephemeral illusion!

Sunbathing in Polynesia: an ephemeral illusion!

Do you want to sunbathe in complete peace of mind and get some color while enjoying an exceptional setting and magnificent landscapes? Polynesia is the ideal place to spend a tropical vacation and come out tanned, provided you respect a few principles.

The myth according to which one tans, in Polynesia, more easily than elsewhere is not entirely accurate. The power of the sun is sometimes very strong there and therefore requires adequate protection.

The Polynesian climate is well established, with regard to the distance from the coasts of the continents and the complex effects of the great ocean currents. It usually comes in the form of a subtropical but evolves. Everyone knows the beautiful moments of sunshine, when we talk about Polynesia, but when saturnales sometimes give way to intense tropical rains.

Solar activity is generally rather variable and very annoying. The average sunshine is about 270 days a year for about 8 hours a day, but the Polynesian sun is much more than average and can cloud the hottest of days at any time.

This is of course very popular with locals (and tourists) who revel in the heat strokes they receive. But at the same time the Polynesian sun is very intense and is harmful for the skin as well as for our cells.

Sunbathing in Polynesia is an ephemeral illusion for all vacationers who dream of tanned skin and coconut colors. Our Regards recalls that due to intense exposure to UVA and UVB rays and high humidity levels, it is very important to protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen. Adults and children are advised to protect themselves with products adapted to their skin type and to expose it to the least risky hours, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

The risks associated with sun exposure in Polynesia

The risks associated with sun exposure in Polynesia are very real, because the power of the sun is very strong there. In addition, the speeds of rotation of the earth being slower, the sun reaches summits, which further increases the intensity of the rays reaching the earth.

Ultraviolet and infrared rays, for example, are much more harmful than in other regions and can cause consequent damage to the skin such as:

  • skin burns : Ultraviolet and infrared rays are very harmful and can cause skin burns, sunburn and irritation.
  • Premature skin aging: The skin is subjected to continuous and permanent attacks and this contributes to its premature aging: wrinkles, brown spots, dehydration, etc.
  • An increased risk of skin cancer : Finally, people exposed to long-term high-power solar radiation can develop the risk of skin cancers such as melanoma.

Protect yourself effectively during your holidays in Polynesia

Effective protection from solar radiation is essential to guard against the serious effects of inappropriate exposure to the sun. As part of a stay in Polynesia, it is therefore important to remember to cover yourself with appropriate clothing and to use specific sunscreen products.

To protect yourself, the use of broad-spectrum sunscreens is highly recommended. Using a good sunscreen is the best way to prevent and limit exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays and infrared rays. You also have to be careful and only visible and know when to back your head.

The brands Dr. Loretta, Darphin, Strivectin and Elizabeth Arden have developed special sunscreen products which are among the best suited for Polynesia.

How to prepare your skin for a tanning session?

First of all, to achieve a good and safe tanning session, it is important to ensure that the skin is well prepared. To do this, you can first make your skin work on the inside, by moisturizing it from the inside. Drinking 2 to 3L of water per day is highly recommended.

You can also choose products suitable for sensitive skin to properly prepare your skin and leave it ready to receive the sun’s rays. Moisturizing and nourishing body creams are essential to prepare the skin and help it burn.

Finally, a simple but very effective tip: protect your skin from the heat and the sun by keeping your head and shoulders covered, this is the simplest tip for a healthy and successful tan.

Comparative table of solar products:

Comparative table of solar products:

Brand nameProduct NamePrice
Dr. LorettaAdvanced Sunscreen SPF3027€
DarphinSolarea Sunscreen SPF 5050€
StrivectinSD SPF3019€
Elizabeth ArdenPrevage Anti Aging SPF3045€


The dramas and mishaps caused by a bad tanning session in Polynesia can be very unpleasant and painful. Solar radiation in Polynesia is very powerful and the risks are much higher than in other regions.

Protecting your skin is therefore essential and this involves preparing well by moisturizing and nourishing your skin well, and by using the appropriate broad-spectrum sunscreen products. It is only with adequate preparation and awareness that one can fully enjoy the pleasures of the Polynesian sun and the benefits of tanning.