Martinique what period

Martinique quelle periode

What is the best season to go to Martinique?

Where and when to go to Martinique?

From December to May is the dry season in Martinique. This is the best season to go on a trip to Martinique. Constant heat, where it is over 25°C on average with slight cooling through the commercial wall face. The rainy season starts from June to November.

For your trip to Martinique, we have calculated an average budget of €1350 per person per week. This price corresponds to a stay that you have organized yourself. However, you can compare prices when you have a holiday package.

The best time to visit Martinique is winter, from December to April. It is from February to April that precipitation is the sparsest and most tolerant of heat.

According to the detailed table on the site (part “Average prices of flights in Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, you have to go during the months of March, April, May, September , October and November. High tourist season in Martinique: December to April.

What budget for 10 days in Martinique?

When is the best time to go to the West Indies?

From December to May is the dry season in Martinique. This is the best season to go on a trip to Martinique. Constant heat, where it is above 25°C on average with slight air cooling from the commercial wall. The rainy season starts from June to November.

The best time to visit Guadeloupe is from January to April during the dry season. When to go to see the carnival? In Guadeloupe, the carnival takes place over 2 months. This festive and cultural event takes place from January to mid-February.

Every year, from June to November, Guadeloupe is at risk of cyclones. In this file, you will find information and advice to prepare yourself as well as safety instructions to follow to protect yourself.

Nature and landscapes. With its steep hills, rugged cliffs, tropical forests and white sandy beaches, Martinique is unassuming with its enchanting views! … When Martinique is called “the island of flowers”, Guadeloupe is nicknamed Karukera, “the island of beautiful waters”.