Martinique trip when to go

Voyage martinique quand partir

When is the cheapest time to go to Martinique?

1) Choose the right period to find a cheap ticket to Martinique. According to the detailed table of the site (part “average prices of flights in Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, it is necessary to bet on the months of March, April, May, September, October and November.

Visiting Martinique: what are the best things to do and see on the so-called “flower island”?

  • Saint Pierre. Photo credit: Wikimedia – Jean & Nathalie. …
  • The garden of Balata. …
  • Mount Pelee. …
  • Fort of France. …
  • The Route of the Trace. …
  • The Pagery Museum. …
  • Pointe du Bout. …
  • Saint Anne.

Book your flights to Martinique online with Air Caraïbes, the airline of the West Indies.

How to get to Martinique If you want to get to Martinique other than by plane, the shipping company L’Express des Iles offers you, several times a week, a boat crossing between Pointe-à-Pitre and Fort-de-France . Ships call at Saint Pierre every Wednesday and Saturday.

Where and when to go to Martinique?

Due to its tropical climate, the island’s temperatures remain warm all year round. If you are wondering when to go to Martinique, we advise you to prefer the month of September to the traditional July / August. Indeed, during our summer, Martinique experiences its rainy season.

There are two fundamental seasons in Martinique: a dry season, “Slow”, and a “wintering” characterized by frequent and intense rains. Lent and winter are separated by two more or less marked off-seasons.

According to the detailed table of the site (part “average prices of flights in Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, it is necessary to bet on the months of March, April, May, September, October and November. High tourist season in Martinique: December to April.

The best time to visit Martinique is winter, from December to April. It is from February to April that the precipitation will be the rarest and the heat the most bearable.

When is the best time to go to the West Indies?

From December to May is the dry season in Martinique. This is the best season to go on a trip to Martinique. A constant heat where it is more than 25°C on average with a slight cooling by the breeze of the trade winds. The rainy season starts from June to November.

Three distinct periods will allow you to know when to go to Guadeloupe: a very favorable period from January to March; a favorable period in December, April and May; a less favorable period from June to November.

Winter is the best time to visit the Caribbean. While the wonders of the Caribbean can be enjoyed all year round, the best time to do so is from January to March, as the climate is cooler and drier. However, in August, September and October there are more tropical storms.

Every year, from June to November, Guadeloupe is subject to the risk of cyclones. In this file, you will find information and advice to prepare yourself as well as safety instructions to follow to protect yourself.

What is the high season in Martinique?

Due to its tropical climate, the island’s temperatures remain warm all year round. If you are wondering when to go to Martinique, we advise you to prefer the month of September to the traditional July / August. Indeed, during our summer, Martinique experiences its rainy season.

The climate of Martinique The island has two distinct seasons: the dry season from December to April called Lent and corresponding to the local winter the wet season from June to November called wintering and corresponds to the local summer These two seasons offer totally different experiences.

According to the detailed table of the site (part “average prices of flights in Martinique”), to find a cheap ticket to Martinique, it is necessary to bet on the months of March, April, May, September, October and November. High tourist season in Martinique: December to April.

In general, low season is considered to be November 1 to March 31 and high season is April 1 to October 31.