History of French Polynesia. Polynesia was built around travel. Its first inhabitants, the Melanesians, crossed the Pacific as early as 1500 BC. They populate the Marquesas archipelago, then the Society archipelago, the Tuamotu archipelago, the Gambier archipelago and the Austral archipelago.
Where is Bora Bora in relation to France?

Bora-Bora (Tahitian: Pora Pora “firstborn”) is one of the Leeward Islands of the Society Archipelago in French Polynesia. It is located 255 km west-northwest of the capital Papeete. The island is also called Mai te pora (“created by the gods”).
Is life expensive in Tahiti?

Living in Tahiti is expensive, very expensive. Polynesia is ranked among the countries in the world where the cost of living is the highest. Before going abroad, you must therefore really ask yourself if the salary offered by your future employer will be sufficient to live here. Update 2021.
What salary to live in Tahiti? I recommend starting with a minimum salary of 4000€/month (about 500,000 xpf). If you want to go to the islands and for the weekend, it is better to count 5000€ (600,000 xpf).
What is the average salary in Tahiti? A holder of at least a bac 3 earns an average of 458,200 XPF net per month against 183,700 XPF for an employee without a diploma. Additionally, seniority and experience also affect salaries. On average, the salary of 15-25 year olds is 153,400 XPF per month in Polynesia, compared to 409,900 XPF for 55-65 year olds.
When did Tahiti become a French colony?

Since 1903, the political history of Tahiti has been inseparable from that of the French settlements in Oceania, which became a French overseas territory in 1946 (Constitution of the Fourth Republic) and in 1957 received the name of French Polynesia.
Who conquered Tahiti? The arrival of Europeans. In the 16th century, Magellan then Mendana reached the Tuamotus and the Marquesas respectively. However, it was the Englishman Samuel Wallis who discovered Tahiti in 1767.
What is the religion in Tahiti? Religion. Traditional Protestants (Ma’ohi Protestant Church) represent just under 40%, followed closely by Catholics. The Mormons are between 6 and 7% (Tuamotu and Austral Islands) and the “sanito”, who are from there, around 3.5%. The Adventist Church can boast of having nearly 6% of faithful.
Is Tahiti French? Tahiti is an island in French Polynesia (overseas community) located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Windward Islands group and the Society Archipelago. … Exchanges with Europeans allowed a Tahitian family, the Pomare, to impose their authority on the whole island.
Is it good to live in Tahiti?

This is my general feeling for almost 4 years that I live here. Living in Tahiti, or at least in the urban area of the island, is almost identical to living in France, with sunshine and 28° all year round. … It’s really appreciable and far from what we can know in France.
Where to live in Tahiti? Generally, the main services are located in Papeete (or Fare Ute). If you want a good (house) rate, you need to plan big. Rents are like the cost of living: high. The price index is 1.8, twice as expensive as in mainland France.
What is missing in Tahiti? Papeete, with its dilapidated buildings and poorly maintained streets, is not what one might call a beautiful city. Even if many neighborhoods are disadvantaged – more than a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line – there is no problem of insecurity.
Which ocean in Polynesia?

Clipperton Island is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean at 10°18′ north and 109°13′ west.
Where is French Polynesia on the world map?
French Polynesia is located entirely in the southern hemisphere, in the center of the Pacific Ocean, isolated from the rest of the world. It is at the antipodes of metropolitan France, 9000 km from Japan, 7000 km from the United States, 6000 km from Australia, 5000 km from New Caledonia and 4000 km from New Zealand.
Where is Polynesia located?
Is French Polynesia part of France? French Polynesia is a POM, a French overseas country located in the South Pacific, between New Zealand and South America.
What is the department of Tahiti?
Department of French Polynesia – 98.
Why do we say French Polynesia? The settlement of the archipelagos of Polynesia, by peoples originating from Southeast Asia, extended over 2000 years on both sides of the beginning of our era. … In 1957, French factories in Oceania took the name of French Polynesia.
Is Tahiti a French island? Satellite image of Tahiti. Tahiti is an island in French Polynesia (overseas community) located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Windward Islands group and the Society Archipelago.
What is the old name of Papeete? This town’s harbor was known to sailors in the 19th century as Wilks’ Harbour, in honor of Matthew Wilks of the London Missionary Society.
What work in Tahiti?
Accounting, catering, IT, administration, construction, education, trade” by visiting the job search section of the Employment, Training and Professional Integration Service website, you will notice that many sectors are looking for additional weapons.
What work in Polynesia? The professions with the most offers in the department of French Polynesia
- 1 Architect.
- 2 Host operator.
- 3 Chief cook.
- 4 Coach.
- 5 Receptionist.
What salary to live in Tahiti? On site, the budget for this stay amounts to approximately 2,500 euros per person with an average of 175 euros for overnight stays, 75 euros for meals of the day and 25 euros for visits and circuits (excluding transport, i.e. approximately 21 euros per day) .
What work to do in Tahiti? Still according to the ISPF, the professions of waiter/waitress in a restaurant, laborer/aquacultural worker, versatile team member/polyvalent fast food team member, office worker/kitchen worker, chef de partie, animator/commercial animator, hotel receptionist, cashier , accountant…
What is the most beautiful island in French Polynesia?
Tahiti. Impossible not to mention Tahiti, which is not only the most famous of the islands of French Polynesia, but also one of the most beautiful.
What is the largest island in French Polynesia? Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia and is located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two areas (Grande Tahiti and Petite Tahiti), which have the shape of a circle and are connected to each other by a strip of land.
What is the most beautiful atoll in the world? Atoll of Tikehau (French Polynesia) Like everything in Polynesia, this atoll has everything to please, from the postcard: white (or pink) sand beaches, a blue lagoon and an equally blue sky above. Any weary tourist who sets foot in Tikehau will be instantly captivated.
How was Tahiti formed?
The archipelagos of Polynesia were born thanks to hot spots. A hot spot is an upwelling of magma, coming from the mantle of the planet, which pierces the earth’s crust. This rise of molten rock creates a volcano that becomes an island when the hotspot is under the sea.
How old is Tahiti? The Tuamotu archipelago, the oldest in French Polynesia, was born from this phenomenon of “folded” volcanoes between 40 and 63 million years old. This advanced age explains the large number of atolls in this archipelago.
Is Tahiti a French island? Tahiti is an island in French Polynesia (overseas community) located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Windward Islands group and the Society Archipelago.
How are atolls formed? An atoll is a ring-shaped, low-lying coral island with an often shallow lagoon in the center. It consists of a coral reef and several motus, land masses, formed as a result of an accumulation of detrital material behind the corals.
Who is part of Polynesia?
The islands located inside the “Polynesian triangle” form Polynesia: 1 – Hawaii; 2-New Zealand; 3-Easter Island; 4 – Samoa; 5 – Tahiti.
Who manages French Polynesia?
“The government of French Polynesia is the executive of French Polynesia, whose policy it conducts.” The governmental function is exercised by all the ministers within the Council of Ministers, which meets under the direction of the President of French Polynesia.
What is the state of French Polynesia? 1984: First statute of internal autonomy According to the terms of the first article of the law n° 84-820 of September 6, 1984, the territory of French Polynesia constitutes “an overseas territory endowed with internal autonomy in the framework of the Republic.
Who runs Tahiti?