Anyone who has to travel 800 km to move should know that the prices for travel over this distance are on average between 4,000 and 4,500 € if the total volume to be transported is 50 m³.
How to simply move?

Moving is simple: order your bins online, move and enjoy your new home. Happymove takes care of delivering the bins to your home before the move and picking them up at your new address.
How to move a washing machine by itself?. Pull the tab just forward and roll the machine. If there is no one around and you need to carry the machine, one person grabs the upper back (end of the hood) and the other the lower front (where the front legs of the machine are). Machine).
At what cost to move? Moving to France costs on average €1000. The cost of the move includes the moving costs, that is to say the handling and transport of your goods by the mover.
How to transport boxes?. So to facilitate the transport of your boxes, bring a knife. Then make two slits, on each side of your box, to form small types of handles. Then fold the piece of cardboard and voila!
How to move 800 km away?

Moving to France costs on average €1000. The cost of the move includes the moving costs, that is to say the handling and transport of your goods by the mover.
How to organize a long-distance trip: tips and checklists
- Notify its owner by registered letter,
- Sort by three things to take the basics,
- Contact movers and compare quotes,
- Start preparing the new house (minor works),
Prices and criteria to consider for a 1000km move. Taking into account the rates charged by the usual movers, it is necessary to estimate a preliminary price of approximately €90 for 1 m³ of transport volume if the distance is 1000 km.
(Often forget) – Labor for your trip: around 15 euros per hour. To help you with the transfer task, you can hire a temp – it costs around 15 euros per hour (if you can get an affordable price).
How do you decide to move? Moving to a new city will require you to list your current apartment or house, start getting rid of things you don’t plan to build, get an apartment in the new location, or call your family and friends for them. .
Or rent a truck to move? At Rent A Car, we offer a wide selection of utility vehicles for rent. To be able to meet all your rental needs (moving, transporting goods, etc.), we have selected several models of trucks, vans, vans for rent.
How to move away without a job?

Aid granted by Pôle Employi to unemployed people who have to move house. The Pôle Emploi agency can pay mobility assistance if the unemployed person receives unemployment benefits that are less than or equal to the minimum allowance. The maximum amount of this aid is €5,000.
If you move to another department, you must change your address for the place of work in your host department. Re-registration will be done automatically. Your file is transferred as soon as you notify Pôle Emploi of your change of address.
How to change department? CHANGE SERVICE: HOW TO DO IT? CHANGE SERVICE: HOW TO DO IT? They must apply in the desired department, either via a dedicated website or by sending a CV and a cover letter.
How to find accommodation when you are unemployed? FSL: Housing Solidarity Fund The Housing Solidarity Fund or FSL can help people find housing for people in precarious situations. This aid aims to financially support the entry into housing, and to keep the tenant there even in the event of difficulties.
When can a change of address of the Pôle Employi be confirmed? Indeed, if you move, Pôle Emploi must be informed of this change of address before the fifteenth day of the month following the date of your transfer. To move on May 10, for example, you must inform Pôle Employi of your new contact details no later than June 15.
How to move away from home?

Which city to move? Unsurprisingly, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Lille, Rennes and Marseille feature prominently on this list.