How to get to Dominica from Martinique

Comment se rendre à la dominique depuis la martinique

How to get to the island of Dominica?

Which is the most beautiful island Guadeloupe or Martinique?

How to get from Martinique to Guadeloupe?

What is the language of Dominica?

The former British colony, Dominica – not to be confused with the Dominican Republic – has been independent since 1978 and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The capital of Roseau is the seat of government of this parliamentary republic.

Antiguan Creole and Barbuda Creole. The Indo-Pakistanis have also adopted English Creole as their mother tongue, but the Lebanese living there speak Arabic from the northern part of Leventina.

Dominica (officially: the Commonwealth of Dominica) is a small island state in the Lesser Antilles with an area of ​​​​751 km², 40 times smaller than Belgium, located between Guadeloupe to the north and Martinique to the south (see regional map ) .