The term “length of residence” refers to the discomfort felt by some people (or their descendants) who have left their country of origin or region of origin.
What is it to be homesick?

Fight boredom. Boredom is a good catalyst for homesickness – the more time you have to think about your hometown, the more you want to be there. Make sure you’re active and busy by playing sports, volunteering, taking a new class, or signing up for school activities.
Nostalgia, soul wave, spleen, boredom.
What is the evil of the century? It is a term used to define the state of mind that reigned at the fall of the first empire in France, in 1815. It is a kind of state of depression, a state of anguish and disillusionment.
How to write the salary? You can write “payroll” and “pay”: both spellings are allowed and therefore have the same meaning. Since the word comes from the verb “to pay”, we are tempted to write “to pay” but “to pay” is just as right so we can write “pay slip” or “pay slip”.
How do you know if you are homesick?

- Celebrate 24 hours for domestic glory. …
- Make a schedule. …
- Define a familiar space. …
- Fight boredom. …
- Prefers real life to social networks. …
- Meet new people! …
- Take (a lot of) pictures. …
- Bring people to visit you.
The length of the house covers a feeling of lack and regret for his country or region of origin. It can be caused by too abrupt a change in lifestyle which results in a loss of bearings in these people or in the absence of an element to which the person was attached.
How not to be homesick?

Although it is linked to culture shock by some of its symptoms, the duration of the outbreak is quite obvious. It is a feeling of distress, lack, withdrawal, depression or anxiety caused by separation from familiar surroundings such as home or country of origin.
Home sickness: a common feeling It manifests itself in different ways from person to person, but nostalgia, melancholy, persistent lack of appetite, strong desire to be locked up at home, feeling of a knotted belly are common “symptoms”.
How to endure homesickness? Fight boredom. Boredom is a good catalyst for homesickness – the more time you have to think about your hometown, the longer you’ll be there. Make sure you’re active and busy by playing sports, volunteering, taking a new class, or signing up for school activities.