How to call Martinique from France?

Comment appeler la martinique depuis la france ?

How to contact Martinique on a cell phone?

To call Martinique, dial 011 for international calls then the code 596 and finally enter the number to call Martinique.

Central and South America Area Code Table
Indicative The country
596 Martinique & # xd83c; & # xddeb; & # xd83c; & # xddf7;
597 Suriname & # xd83c; & # xddf8; & # xd83c; & # xddf7;
598 Uruguay’ & # xddfa; & # xd83c; & # xddfe;

To call the Guadeloupe Islands from: – mainland France: enter the ten digits of your correspond. – From Europe: dial 00 590 590 then the six digits of your correspond (landline). – From the United States: dial 11590590.

How to make a call from Martinique to France?

To call Martinique, dial 011 for international calls then the code 596 and finally enter the number to call Martinique.

To call the Guadeloupe Islands from: – mainland France: enter the ten digits of your correspond. – From Europe: dial 00 590 590 then the six digits of your correspond (landline). – From the United States: dial 11590590.

Central and South America Area Code Table
Indicative The country
596 Martinique’ & # xddeb; & # xd83c; & # xddf7;
597 Suriname & # xd83c; & # xddf8; & # xd83c; & # xddf7;
598 Uruguay’ & # xddfa; & # xd83c; & # xddfe;

How to call Guadeloupe from France?

Landlines start with 05-90 and mobile phones with 06-90, to dial without a continent prefix. But from abroad, dial 00-590 followed by 9 digits (without the 0).

To call Guadeloupe, dial 011 for international calls then the code 590 and finally enter the number to call Guadeloupe.

Calls to Guadeloupe from Belgium If you call from a landline, you must dial 00 590 followed by the number of your correspondent.

To call Guadeloupe from Canada: First dial the Canadian exit code to reach the international area: 011 (or the & quot; & quot; sign if calling from a mobile phone) Then dial the code Telephone number Guadalupe: 590 Finally, dial the number of your correspond.

What is the country code 596?

Country (and other services) Indicative
Germany 49
Germany 49
Germany 49
Germany 49
Indicative The country
32 belgium
33 France
34 Spain
350 Gibraltar

First of all, keep in mind that the code 221 identifies a call from Senegal. All codes starting with 22 belong to West African countries. A Scam Info number (0811 02 02 17) has been created for any questions or reports.