How to avoid being mugged when being followed

Comment  Éviter de se faire agresser quand on est suivi

Aggression in the street In the street, avoid displaying valuables: the last phone, a walker, a tablet, jewelry, a watch… You are only a potential aggressor. If a dangerous situation arises, do not hesitate to draw attention to your local residents: shout and try to flee.

How to avoid being attacked in the street?

How to avoid being attacked in the street?
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What is the difference between an insult and an insult? Insult is an insulting word that is deliberately addressed to someone with the intention of hurting them morally, trying to attack their self-esteem, honor or dignity. A slur, however, is considered a slur, almost identical with insult.

Save offensive emails, ask witnesses if they are willing to testify on your behalf, if they have medical certificates and any written evidence you have, as it is difficult to prove oral assault. Therefore, several remedies are available to you.

How to threaten? The threat can be expressed in the form of blackmail, that is to say, it is accompanied by an order to fulfill a condition. For example, “If you don’t do this, I will kill you”. This is an acute circumstance.

You can create insult or threat in any way. That is to say, gather all the evidence you have in your possession: testimonials, letters, screenshots, telephone records, etc.

How to avoid being attacked?

How to avoid being attacked?
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How to react to the facts?

  • Call 17, especially when the situation presents an immediate serious danger to the victim. …
  • If you feel safe, take action to stop the attack or harassment you see.

How do I file a complaint for physical assault? If you have been physically attacked, you must file a complaint with the gendarmerie or the police station, either from your home or from the place of the attack.

This includes the eyes: press your palms against the attacker’s cheeks and dig your thumbs deep into their eyes. You can incapacitate your attacker by tapping his nose from below with the lower part of your hand.

How to react to someone who follows us?

How to react to someone who follows us?
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How to silence someone who makes us angry? 10- Raise your hand in front of the face of the person who is starting to speak to give the floor to someone else. 11- Get up and go sit behind the verb person, put your hand on his shoulder to silence him and ask a question while looking at the others.

A visit to the cancer patient can both inspire you and give caregivers a much-needed break. Always remember to contact the person first to make sure your visit is right for them. Give him the choice not to say it.

What message to send to a sick person? Dear, I love you in this situation and wish you a speedy recovery. Receive all my condolences in these difficult times, Be well and take care of yourself!

Spending time doing normal activities with them — watching a TV show, taking a yoga class, taking the dog out — and talking about something other than their illness can bring relief.

How to target a sick person? Some ideas of perceived attitudes that patients help (but it depends on everyone): Show yourself who is available to discuss the illness without imposing the word (e.g. a sick friend may say: ‘I will always be there for you if you want to talk about the difficult things & quot;)

Say “I’m here”, “you are important to me and you can call me whenever you want”, “if there is anything I can do to make it less of a burden for you, I will gladly do it. If you prefer, just hold his hand and turn it off, that’s enough.”

When are we followed?

When are we followed?
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Stay alert. You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times to see if it is being tracked. Don’t wait for your nose to stick to your phone, keep your eyes open and look around. If you’re not careful, you’ll never know whether you’re following search source X or not.

Take the time to reassure yourself. Calm down to avoid panicking. If the person continues to follow you, don’t be afraid. If you panic, you may miss some very important data. Look around you and focus on the path you are taking.

If possible, always walk with someone else and stay on well-lit streets. If you are being followed on foot, go to a safe place (like the nearest store) and ask for help. Always look around and keep up to date with what is going on.