How to Avoid Being Mugged in the Street

Comment  Éviter d'être agressé dans la rue

Try to calm yourself down so that you have a rational assessment of the situation. Avoid the stress that oppresses you and paralyzes you. “3. Try to dissuade the aggressor: “Announce the consequences of the act, without challenging the aggressor, just to be in tune with reality, continues Serge Cohen.

How to detect attackers?

How to detect attackers?
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3. Try to dissuade the aggressor: “Announce the consequences of the act, without questioning the aggressor, just to be in phase with reality”, continues Serge Cohen. Don’t forget that there are cameras everywhere.

Conversely, stand facing the attacker, but tilt your body/torso back as if trying to get as far away from the attacker as possible, and always use one arm as a “bulwark” (to keep open front palm to prevent the attacker from approaching ).

This Thursday, the motivations of the aggressor remain unclear. Given the profile of the suspect and that of the victims, the investigators seem to favor for the moment the trace of a family quarrel and psychiatric problems, according to the Minister of the Interior.

What are the signs of bullying? “The characteristics of bullying are as follows: confrontation, bullying and abuse, disregard for personality and frequent repetition of attacks over a fairly long period. It almost always results in the exclusion of the worker who is the victim and also in serious psychological or physical problems.

What is the penalty for physical assault? – Physical violence with mutilation or permanent handicap. they are punished by 10 years’ imprisonment and a maximum fine of 150,000 euros.

Where to touch to defend yourself? Never strike with your fist, but with the palm of your hand, more precisely the palm of your hand. The easiest thing to do if the attack is of medium severity, like an attempted stolen kiss?

How do you become a sex offender? Like most offenders, most child molesters are men with difficult family histories who have experienced various behavioral problems during childhood and adulthood. … A single factor cannot explain why a person sexually abuses a child.

How to avoid being attacked?

How to avoid being attacked?
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Aggression in the street In the street, avoid displaying valuables: latest phone, Walkman, tablet, jewellery, watch… You are only tempting potential aggressors. If a dangerous situation is looming, do not hesitate to draw attention to your local residents – shout and try to escape.

In the street, how to avoid being the target of attacks?

  • Non-verbal signs of vulnerability…
  • Walk with confidence – Walk with awareness. …
  • Points of attention are:…
  • If a potential stalker is following you.

This includes the eyes – press your palms against the attacker’s cheeks and dig your thumbs deep into their eyes. You can also disable your attacker by hitting his nose from below with the bottom of your hand.

What is aggression? Unmotivated, unjustified and brutal attack against someone, against a country: a woman victim of aggression. War of aggression. Psychological or physiological attack caused by the environment.

How to talk to an attacker? Pick the right time and place to talk to the attacker. Talk to him when he’s calm and offer to help. Speak directly and clearly about the behaviors you have observed and your concerns. Remind him that you care about him.

How to protect yourself from external aggressions? Exterior doors should be protected with deadbolts while transit areas and main rooms should be protected with motion detectors.

How do I report an assault?

How do I report an assault?
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If you are the victim of a sexual assault, you can alert the emergency services for help. You can also file a complaint against the author. The police and the gendarmerie will carry out an investigation and the prosecutor will decide if there is enough evidence to judge him.

17 and 112 (call from mobile) allow you to be in contact with the police or gendarmerie services when you are in danger or when you realize that someone is in danger: violence, aggression, theft.’ burglary, burglary…

Go to the police station to report assaults and beatings. Even if you called the police at the time of the attack and they went to the scene of the crime, you must go to the police station or the gendarmerie to file a complaint for assault and battery.

Why call the police? Dial 17 in an emergency involving a traffic accident, public disorder or crime. A squad of police or gendarmes will go to the scene. You can also call 112.

When to file a complaint for violence? For the perpetrators of the domestic violence you suffered to be prosecuted and sentenced for his act, you must file a complaint. In case of violence, you have 6 years to file a complaint.