How much time difference with Martinique

Combien d'heure de decalage avec la martinique

What time is it now in Guadeloupe?

What time is it in Guadeloupe? If it is 12:00 p.m. on 02/20/21 in France in Paris, it is 7:00 a.m. on 02/20/21 in Pointe à Pitre in Guadeloupe.

Summer time: There is no time change in Pointe à Pitre in 2021. Evolution of the time difference between Pointe à Pitre and Paris, taking into account the time change in Paris, during the year 2021: Until 03/27: 5 hours late. At noon in Paris, it is 7 am in Pointe à Pitre.

Time difference between Martinique / metropolitan France and Europe. Today, it’s 5 hours less in Martinique than in Paris. In summer, there is a shift of 6 hours less than in Paris. That is to say, it is 6 o’clock in the morning. at the Fort de France at noon in Paris.

Coordinated Universal Time Actual time Major cities in this time zone
UTC-04:00 8:00:05 PM Thursday February 18th, 2021 Time in Les Abymes Time in Baie-Mahault Time in Le Gosier Time in Petit-Bourg Time in Sainte-Anne

What time in the West Indies?

What time is it in Guadeloupe? If it is 12:00 p.m. on 02/20/21 in France in Paris, it is 7:00 a.m. on 02/20/21 in Pointe à Pitre in Guadeloupe

Summer time: There is no time change in Pointe à Pitre in 2021. Evolution of the time difference between Pointe à Pitre and Paris, taking into account the time change in Paris, during the year 2021: Until 03/27: 5 hours late. At noon in Paris, it is 7 am in Pointe à Pitre.

When it is noon in Paris, it is therefore 8 am in Rio.

Coordinated Universal Time Actual time Major cities in this time zone
GMT 09:00 9:00:05 AM Monday, February 22, 2021 Time in Seoul Time in Busan Time in Incheon Time in Daegu Time in Dajeon

Shall we change the weather in Guadeloupe?

Summer time: There is no time change in Pointe à Pitre in 2021. Evolution of the time difference between Pointe à Pitre and Paris, taking into account the time change in Paris, during the year 2021: Until 03/27: 5 hours late. At noon in Paris, it is 7 am in Pointe à Pitre.

What time is it in Guadeloupe? If it is 12:00 p.m. on 02/20/21 in France in Paris, it is 7:00 a.m. on 02/20/21 in Pointe à Pitre in Guadeloupe

Time difference between Martinique / metropolitan France and Europe. Today, it’s 5 hours less in Martinique than in Paris. In summer, there is a shift of 6 hours less than in Paris. That is to say, it is 6 o’clock in the morning. at the Fort de France at noon in Paris.

The change to winter time takes place on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 3 a.m. (60 minutes must then be removed from the standard time, then 2 am). The time change has been in place in France since 1976.

What time is it in Japan?


  • 1 Usual time zones. 1.1 UTC-12, Y. 1.2 UTC-11, X. 1.3 UTC-10, W. 1.4 UTC-9:30, V. 1.5 UTC-9, V. 1.6 UTC-8, U. 1.7 UTC-7, T 1.8 UTC-6, S. 1.9 UTC-5, R. 1.10 UTC-4, Q. 1.11 UTC-3: 30, P†1.12 UTC-3, P. 1.13 UTC-2, W. 1.14 UTC-1, N 1.15 UTC 0, Z 1.16 UTC 1, A. …
  • 2 See also. 2.2 Related Articles. 2.3 Notes and References.

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  • On your phone, open the Clock app.
  • Tap More. Settings.
  • In “Clock”, select your time zone or change the date and time. To show or hide your time zone’s clock when you’re in another time zone, tap Local clock.
new York -6 hours
Los Angeles -9 hours
Miami -6 hours
Japan 7 hours
London -1 hour

Calculate the time difference Planning to go to Rio de Janeiro? -3-1 = -4. There is a time difference of -4 hours between France and Rio de Janeiro. When it is noon in Paris, it will be 8 a.m. (12 p.m.-4 p.m.) in Rio.