How long to send a letter to Guadeloupe

Combien de temps pour envoyer une lettre en guadeloupe

When does a letter posted on Friday arrive?

I send them in a green book, and they are generally accepted, hanging there, after 14 days! Those sent on Thursday or Friday arrive within 1 to 2 days.

How do I get a letter to arrive the next day?

Ensure fast mail delivery Reach your customers fast with Priority Letter, an urgent mail delivery response, received the next day Access every opportunity with no minimum limit and by mail from 400 mail envelopes or 1000 envelopes at scale national.

What is the difference between green and red stamp?

Letters and small parcels sent by green signs do not fly and are mainly transported by train, unlike the red signs sent by D+1 in metropolitan France.

Which stamp is the fastest?

These charges are applicable for sending mail to France (including: Corsica / Monaco / Andorra). The red priority book is the fastest loading while the green flag is the fastest loading environment since the courier drives the plane (except for Corsica and DOM TOM).

How to send a mail to Guadeloupe?

ZONE 1: For a shipment to Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy or Mayotte, the shipping costs must be increased by €0.05 ¬ to 10 grams (0 .02 € for ecopli uta ).

What stamp for the Dom-tom?

Zone tariff Rate of priority letter or green letter from foreign countries / foreign countries Outside Letter / DOM-TOM add Ecopli rates
Sone OM1 + €0.05 / 10g + €0.02 / 10g
Sone OM2 + €0.11 / 10g + €0.05 / 10g

Which stamp to send a letter to Belgium?

The seal price per piece will be €1.01 for Non First and €1.21 for First! From 10 units 1 postage or 5 units 2 postage, a postage for a regular shipment in Belgium will cost €0.98 for a good shipment and €1.18 for a first shipment from January 1, 2020.

How to send a package overseas?

2021 Price Prediction for Buying Export Package Economy
About 1kg €12.50 €17.00
About 2kg €15.80 30,30 €

Which stamp to send to Guadeloupe?

For green eyes and priority book, samples cost 0.05 euro per 10 grams for the OM1 zone, which includes Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint Martin and Mayotte.

How much does it cost to send a letter to France?

For a 20 g letter, the price of a first franked envelope is: €1.08 in green letter. €1.25 per priority book. €1.48 per final book.

Which stamp to send to Switzerland?

Select an international email address
R1 R2
Register (100g) €11.50 €12.50
Sign up (250g) € 15.70 € 16.70

When will my letter arrive?

The type of arrangement and the signs determine when the person is accepted: the letter takes priority one day to reach its destination, while the green or correct letter takes two days. Ecopli, on the other hand, needs 4 days to reach its destination.

Why is my mail not arriving?

First step: contact the Consumer Service of La Poste. In the event of non-delivery or damage to your mail, the first step to follow is to file a complaint with La Poste’s Customer Service… Make sure you receive the mail and not the sender.

How do I know if my mail is delivered?

You can check your shipment by entering: – either its postal number, – or the number appearing on the travel advice or the notice of the remaining procedure in your mailbox, – or its “partner” number. for international shipments (when sent by La Poste).

What is the difference between green letter and priority letter?

The green eye is rich and respectful of the environment since it is not emitted in the air except for expeditions in Corsica and abroad. It charges 30% less than the original order and allows delivery of mail and small items within 48 hours for shipments to France.