How long is the flight from Bordeaux to Guadeloupe

Combien d'heure de vol bordeaux guadeloupe

What is the distance between France and Reunion?

Distance between United States and Reunion The distance (as the crow flies) between United States and Reunion is 9,205.08 km.

What is the distance between France and Martinique?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between United States and Martinique is 6,765.29 km= 6,765.29 mi (6,765.29 km). The shortest route between France and Martinique is according to the route planner.

What is the distance between France and Guyana?

The distance between Paris and Guyana is 7,231 kilometers (7,231 kilometres).

What is the distance between Paris and New York?

If you are departing from Paris, you must travel a distance of 5,836 km by plane to land at New York airport. The average speed of your flight is 805 km/h, the duration of your Paris-New York flight is estimated at 7h47.

How far is Paris from Reunion?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Paris and Reunion is 9,393.86 km= 9,393.86 mi. The shortest route between Paris and Reunion is according to the route planner.

How far is Reunion from Mauritius?

Flight distance Reunion Island Mauritius: 231 km. Flight time Saint-Denis – Mauritius: 40 minutes (average)

What is the distance between France and Australia?

The distance between France and Australia is 15,000 kilometers!

Where is Reunion?

When to go to Reunion?

The hot season with lots of rainfall is from November to April. We choose the dry season to go to Reunion, and especially the spring, that is to say the months of October and November, when the climate is favorable to the visit, and where the vegetation is also magnificent.

Where is Reunion in relation to France?

Reunion Island is located 9,000 kilometers from mainland France and is located off the east coast of Madagascar, approx. 200 kilometers west of Mauritius. Lost in the heart of the Indian Ocean, it is the largest island of the Mascares archipelago and is located in the southern hemisphere.

Where is the encounter on the world map?

Located 680 km east of Madagascar – see La Réunion world map – and 180 km south-west of Mauritius, officially the department of Réunion is in the western Indian Ocean.