Discover Italy: its landscapes, its culture and its history.

Découvrez l'Italie : ses paysages, sa culture et son histoire.

The beautiful landscapes of Italy

Italy is a country in southern Europe, which includes the Italian island and, since 1861, part of the Alps. Italy is today a constitutional republic based on a bicameral system. Italy is one of the three founding countries of the European Union, member of the G8 and the OECD. Italy is the second largest industrial country in Europe and the eighth largest economy in the world.

Italy is a country steeped in history and culture, sometimes Greek, sometimes Carthaginian, then Roman and finally medieval. Italian gastronomy is also very rich and interesting, with many regional specialties.

Italy is a beautiful country, with diverse and historical places. We discovered a rich and colorful culture, as well as excellent gastronomy. Italy is a land to discover, sometimes Greek, sometimes Carthaginian, then Roman and finally medieval.

Discover the 10 most beautiful places in Italy!

Italy is a country steeped in history, culture and gastronomy. There were three of the great civilizations of antiquity: Carthaginian, Greek and Roman. Italy is a country of history, sometimes cultural, sometimes gastronomic. It is a country with colorful landscapes and diverse cultures.

Italy is a wonderful country to discover. There are many historical and cultural sites. The landscapes are beautiful and the gastronomy is good. It is a country steeped in history and culture. There is so much to discover in Italy!

Discover the most beautiful regions of Italy!

Italy is a country of history, culture and gastronomy. It is rich in landscapes, history and culture. Sometimes it was Carthaginian, sometimes Greek, sometimes Roman. Italy is a colorful country to discover.

Italy is a country rich in history. The climate is historic and the cultures are different. Italy was a country sometimes Carthaginian, sometimes Greek, sometimes Roman. Italy is a colorful country to discover.

Italy is a country steeped in history, culture and gastronomy. The landscapes are rich in history and the cultures are diverse. Italy was a country sometimes Carthaginian, sometimes Greek, sometimes Roman. Italy is a colorful country to discover.

Italy is a country steeped in history, culture and gastronomy. The landscapes are rich in history and the cultures are diverse. Italy was a country sometimes Carthaginian, sometimes Greek, sometimes Roman. Italy is a colorful country to discover.