20 practical tips for taking a cat on a plane

Les 20 Conseils pratiques pour faire voyager un chat en avion

Leave your shipping box lying around the living room. Put a blanket inside that carries their scents. You can also give him a treat from time to time, yes, serve him a puree nearby… You can also make your cat play by making him jump over the bag.

Which airline accepts cats?

Quel compagnie aérienne accepte les chats ?

Check the regulations regarding the container that is transporting your cat or dog. to check the regulations concerning your travel destination… Here is a small list of articles to help you choose the right airline, which accepts animals:

  • Air France.
  • British Airways.
  • Vueling.
  • Lufthansa.
  • Ilberia.

How to take a long plane trip with a cat? Whether the cat is traveling in the hold or in the cabin, it must remain in a transport cage for the duration of the flight. The cage must not exceed 6 kg to 10 kg depending on the company. The size granted can also be variable, as well as the material that composes it.

How to travel with your cat? By metro and bus: the vast majority of companies accept cats, provided they are placed in a bag or a cage. However, some companies, especially those making long journeys, may prohibit access. By train: The SNCF authorizes the boarding of cats on board its trains.

How do cats travel by plane? Formalities. To be admitted on board, your animal must be up to date with all its compulsory vaccinations. Any dog ​​or cat traveling within the European Union must be identified by means of an electronic chip. You must also have a European passport.

Which vaccine to travel with a cat?

Quel vaccin pour voyager avec un chat ?

In the vast majority of member countries of the European Union, only one vaccine is compulsory: that of rabies. Rabies vaccination must be up to date. Indeed, it is impossible for you to bring a kitten less than 3 months old. Indeed, the vaccination of a feline cannot be done before this period.

How to travel by plane with your cat? To travel in the cabin, your animal must be in a transport cage for dogs or cats with a maximum size of 40 cm x 24 cm x 20 cm. Beyond that, you will have to get into the hold.

Video: 20 practical tips for flying a cat


Can I leave my cat alone for 3 weeks?

Puis-je laisser mon chat seul pendant 3 semaines ?

The cat is an independent animal, so it is quite possible to leave it alone for a few days in your absence. However, before you think about it, you’ll want to make sure you’re providing enough water to meet their needs: water, food, clean garbage, and if you can, access to the outdoors.

Does the cat feel a craving? According to the researchers, cats do not feel the absence of their master in the same way as dogs. We really wouldn’t miss them. But instead, they would experience a sense of annoyance at being abandoned.

Can a cat be left alone for a week? D as Duration of absence It is very difficult to know how long it is possible to leave your cat alone: ​​it depends on his age, his character, his habits, the relationship he has with his master. However, 2 days without any visits seems to be a maximum.

How to drive 8 hours with a cat?

Comment faire 8h de route avec un chat ?

Ideally, your cat should travel in a transport crate that you can place between the back seat and the front seat, for example, or attach it with a seat belt. Be sure to choose a box large enough to stand up and turn around.

How to put a cat to sleep for a trip? Half an hour before departure, spray your box with Feliway, in the four corners of the box and in the center. The synthetic F3 pheromones that it diffuses, odorless for humans, will make this place a place of relaxation for your cat. Additionally, it is not uncommon for anxious cats to urinate.

How to ventilate when you have a cat? It is best to choose one window per room to use for ventilation and install a specially designed safety net for cats. So you can let fresh air into the house without any problems. Another possibility: open the window by closing the shutter.

How to prevent a cat from meowing in the car?

Reward your pet for every step it takes and don’t go too fast or you’ll have to return to the starting point. Reassure him each time and speak to him calmly, softly and gently. If he panics or meows loudly, don’t force him too much and go back to the previous step.

How to calm a cat in the car? Start by getting him used to his transport crate at home, then in your stationary car. Just leave him at his disposal, reassure him and caress him, but also play with him through the bars. From there, start the engine and end up driving around your neighborhood.

How to calm a cat for a trip? Valerian toys and catnip make the cage more pleasant and calm nervous cats. Pheromone sprays like Feliway and Felisept have a similar effect. Use small cat treats and use the cage when playing with your little cat.