How to avoid COVID-19? Here are a few tips.

1. To avoid COVID-19, it is important to protect yourself from the virus. Hands are one of the main transmission routes for the virus, so it’s important to wash them often and reduce infection.

2. It is also important to adopt simple measures to prevent the spread of the virus. For example, it is recommended to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and to wash your hands after contact with an infected person.

3. It is also important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and protect yourself from infections. It is recommended to have a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough rest.

4. Finally, it is important to keep up to date with the latest information on COVID-19. It is important to follow expert advice and keep up to date with the latest news so that you can take the best steps to protect yourself from the virus.

How to properly decontaminate linens during the COVID-19 crisis?

To protect against viruses, it is important to clean the linen well. The hands are the main source of infection. The following simple actions can reduce the risk of infection:

– Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

-Use laundry detergent at the highest recommended temperature.

– Rinse the laundry in cold water before washing.

It is important to adopt a simple laundry washing system and follow it to reduce the risk of contamination. Here are a few tips:

-Wash dirty laundry in the washing machine separately from clean laundry.

– Use antibacterial detergent to wash the fabric at the highest recommended temperature.

– Rinse the laundry in cold water before washing.

It is important to wash your hands after touching soiled linen or before handling it. The following actions are simple and can help reduce the risk of contamination:

– Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

-Use laundry detergent at the highest recommended temperature.

– Rinse the laundry in cold water before washing.

Is it necessary to continue the preventive treatments recommended by WHO in sub-Saharan Africa for COVID-19?

The virus that causes COVID-19 is highly contagious and spreads easily from person to person. Simple things we can do to protect ourselves from the virus are washing our hands regularly with soap and water, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or elbow, and not touching our face.

The WHO recommends that countries in sub-Saharan Africa set up vaccination programs against smallpox, a potentially deadly viral disease that is easily transmitted from person to person. Vaccination is the best way to reduce the number of smallpox infections and deaths from this disease.

The WHO has also recommended that countries in sub-Saharan Africa set up programs to control measles, a potentially deadly viral disease. Measles spreads easily from person to person and can be especially dangerous for children. Measles control programs aim to reduce the number of measles infections and measles deaths.

The WHO has also recommended that countries in sub-Saharan Africa set up programs to fight poliomyelitis, a viral disease that can lead to paralysis of limbs and, in some cases, death. Poliomyelitis is easily transmitted from person to person and can be particularly dangerous for children.