The minimum wage in Polynesia is 13,984 XPF per month.

The minimum wage in French Polynesia is 13,984 XPF per month. This amount is fixed and cannot be less than the amount of the SMIC (minimum interprofessional development salary). The SMIC is calculated according to the number of hours worked by the employee and his age. The amount of the minimum hourly wage is 907 XPF for employees under the age of 18 and 973 XPF for employees aged 18 and over. The total amount of the SMIC is 1,554 XPF per day for employees under the age of 18 and 1,629 XPF per day for employees aged 18 and over. The amount of the minimum wage increased by 2.1% in 2019.

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The minimum wage in Polynesia is the SMIC (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance). The minimum wage is set at €860.00 per month in Polynesia. The SMIC is calculated on the basis of the minimum hourly wage set by French law. The amount of the minimum hourly wage is 9.53 euros. The number of working hours per week is 35. The number of working days per month is 21. The number of working days per year is 52. The total amount of the minimum wage in Polynesia is 860.00 euros per month.

The minimum wage in Polynesia increased by 3.2% in 2018. The amount of the minimum wage was increased by 28 euros per month. The amount of the minimum hourly wage has been increased by €0.20. The number of working hours per week remained unchanged at 35. The number of working days per month remained unchanged at 21. The number of working days per year remained unchanged at 52.

The minimum wage in Polynesia is paid by the employer to the employee. The minimum wage is a fixed wage. The amount of the minimum wage is calculated on the basis of the minimum hourly wage set by French law. The minimum hourly wage is 9.53 euros. The number of working hours per week is 35. The number of working days per month is 21. The number of working days per year is 52. The total amount of the minimum wage in Polynesia is 860.00 euros per month.

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In the islands of French Polynesia, the minimum wage is fixed at an hourly rate of 122.51 XPF and is adjusted annually according to the consumer price index. The minimum wage is calculated on the basis of the gross hourly wage and is payable in cash or in kind. The minimum wage is the minimum gross hourly wage that the employer must pay to his employee during normal working hours. The minimum wage is the minimum gross hourly wage that the employer must pay to his employee during normal working hours. The minimum wage is calculated on the basis of the gross hourly wage and is payable in cash or in kind.