Selon le rapport annuel de l'OCDE, le salaire médian nécessaire pour vivre confortablement en 2022 sera de 3 890 euros par mois.

According to the OECD annual report, the median salary needed to live comfortably in 2022 will be 3,890 euros per month.

The average wealth of the French is 1.2 million euros.

The French have an average heritage of 1.2 million euros, according to the annual report of the public finance department. This heritage is made up of the assets available to the family, minus the debts.

The average wealth of the French has increased by 3.4% in one year, thanks to the rise in the prices of shares and fixed assets. Households also had higher disposable income due to lower taxes.

This increase in family wealth is good news for public finances. Indeed, households have more resources to repay their debts and save.

The wealth of French families has been increasing for many years. This increase is due to higher stock and fixed asset prices, as well as lower taxes.

Discover the 10 richest heritages in France!

The annual report on public finances from the Directorate General for Public Finances (DGFiP) is available in July. This edition contains information on services, programs, production and the availability of public finances.

The report shows that government revenue increased by 3.9% in 2016, reaching 2,052 billion euros. The increase in income tax alone represents 2.3% of total government revenue.

The General Directorate of Public Finance forecasts that public expenditure will increase by 2.8% in 2017, to reach 2,089 billion euros. The increase in health expenditure will represent approximately 1.1% of total public expenditure.

France’s public finances are the 10th in the world in terms of wealth. According to the latest World Bank report, France has a net worth of $24.3 trillion.

years, it’s time to start thinking about your assets!

Wealth Management is available to discuss your finances in person or over the phone.

We have updated our annual report and this edition contains information about our services, programs and productions.

We’ve also included a financial calendar to help you plan your finances.

We have a scholarship program available for students wishing to further their studies in heritage.